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Resumen de Peer review feedback in an introductory design course: Increasing student comments and questions through theuse of written feedback

Gordon G. Krauss, Lawrence Neeley

  • Feedback plays an important role in the design process. In formal design review situations, presenters receive and respondto questions from reviewers. The authors hypothesize that structural and social barriers may complicate and degrade thefeedback process. In this paper, the authors examine the peer feedback process for the culminating presentations of apreliminary conceptualdesign project in an introduction to design, manufacturing, and management course, E4, at HarveyMudd College. Student design teams present their design process and the resulting design artifact to their class section. Theother students in the section provide feedback to the team. Teams presented their design reviews as either live presentationsor via video and were reviewed by teams through either live oral questions and answers or in written comments using ahandwritten or online form. The specificity and motivation from the instructors for feedback also varied by section. Thevideo section responded to evaluator comments in class and was able to receive clarification about the comments. Theauthors of this study are able to note the differences in quantity of feedback, the type of feedback, and the response to thefeedback by the design teams. The study suggests that (1) studentsin this course maynot be open withtheir feedback duringoral question and answer periods, (2) that simple tools such as written feedback will gather more information than questionand answer periods and (3) that class time may be used to discuss feedback rather than for presentations effectively toprovide better feedback and interaction.

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