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Resumen de Shared rural person-to-person accommodations, social interaction and sensorial themes of associated tourist experiences.

Luís Henrique de Souza, Elisabeth Kastenholz, Maria de Lourdes Barbora

  • Rural areas with their particular environment and richness of endogenous resources play a multifaceted role in tourism, with different players acting to co-create tourism experiences (Kastenholz, Carneiro, Peixeira Marques, & Lima, 2012). The increasingly popular sharing economy now opens new opportunities for people to engage in enterprise in tourism (Dredge & Gyimóthy, 2015). Taking into consideration that sharing economy offers low entry barriers for entrepreneurs (Botsman & Rogers, 2010), it is possible to observe a large number of rural accommodations being offered by singular individuals, typically residents of the visited destination, to tourists through online platforms such as Airbnb, Flipkeys, 9Flats.com, etc., thereby providing an apparently more authentic experience to tourists (Molz, 2014; Sigala, 2014; Guttentag, 2013).

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