La carestía alimentaria sufrida en España durante la posguerra (1939-1951) dejó una profunda marca en la sociedad española impregnando todas las esferas de la vida, entre ellas el arte. Para dar cuenta de ello nos proponemos analizar una serie de poemas de Ángela Figuera que tratan directamente el tema del hambre como trasunto de los cuidados y la domesticidad, ámbito al que se relegó a la mujer durante el franquismo. El propósito último de esta investigación es mostrar cómo a través de la literatura se puede acometer un análisis histórico que nos permita comprender nuestro pasado más reciente.The food shortage suffered in Spain during the postwar period (1939-1951) left a deep mark in Spanish society permeating all spheres of life, including art. To give an account of this we propose to analyze a series of poems by Ángela Figuera that directly address the issue of hunger as a symptom of care and domesticity, an area that was relegated to women during the Franco regime. The ultimate purpose of this research is to show how a historical analysis can be undertaken through literature that allows us to understand our most recent past.
The food shortage suffered in Spain during the postwar period (1939-1951) left a deep mark in Spanish society permeating all spheres of life, including art. To give an account of this we propose to analyze a series of poems by Ángela Figuera that directly address the issue of hunger as a symptom of care and domesticity, an area that was relegated to women during the Franco regime. The ultimate purpose of this research is to show how a historical analysis can be undertaken through literature that allows us to understand our most recent past.
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