Aunque son muchas las maneras de leer, solo una parece crear al lector: la que en este artículo se califica, recurriendo a una licencia irónica, de natural. Dicho modo lector exige sin duda movilizar el cuerpo para reconstruir presencia a partir del lenguaje, pero también, y ante todo, creer en lo leído y confiar en quien lo ha escrito como comprometedoras condiciones de posibilidad cuasi trascendentales de esa experiencia lectora.Although there are many ways of reading, only one seems to create the reader: the one that in this article is considered, resorting to an ironic license, as natural. This reading mode undoubtedly requires mobilizing the body to reconstruct presence from language, but also, and above all, believing in what has been read and trusting in whoever has written it, as compromising and quasi-transcendental conditions of possibility of that reading experience
Although there are many ways of reading, only one seems to create the reader: the one that in this article is considered, resorting to an ironic license, as natural. This reading mode undoubtedly requires mobilizing the body to reconstruct presence from language, but also, and above all, believing in what has been read and trusting in whoever has written it, as compromising and quasi-transcendental conditions of possibility of that reading experience
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