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E.T.A. Hoffmann en ópera. Sobre la recepción de su obra en México (1882-1922)

  • Autores: Sergio Armando Hernández Roura
  • Localización: Signa: Revista de la Asociación Española de Semiótica, ISSN 1133-3634, Nº 28, 2019, págs. 813-842
  • Idioma: español
  • Títulos paralelos:
    • E.T.A. Hoffmann in opera. About his work’s reception in Mexico (1882-1922)
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • español

      El estreno de Les Contes d’Hoffmann, ópera de Jacques Offenbach, fue central para la difusión de la obra literaria de Hoffmann en México. A partir de la interpretación de las notas, críticas y anuncios aparecidos en la prensa se ha reconstruido el proceso de recepción de esta obra; un ejemplo ilustrativo de la forma en la que esta clase de espectáculos llegó a formar parte del gusto del público y un fenómeno que permite entender cómo se leyó la obra del alemán y dar cuenta del proceso de asimilación de su obra en México.The premiere of Les Contes d’Hoffmann, Jacques Offenbach’s opera, was central for the dissemination of Hoffmann’s literary work in Mexico. The reception of this work has been reconstructed from the interpretation of the notes, criticisms and announcements appeared in the press. This process is an illustrative example of the way in which this kind of shows became part of the public’s taste; also a phenomenon that allows us to understand how the work of the German was read and its assimilation in Mexico.

    • English

       The premiere of Les Contes d’Hoffmann, Jacques Offenbach’s opera, was central for the dissemination of Hoffmann’s literary work in Mexico. The reception of this work has been reconstructed from the interpretation of the notes, criticisms and announcements appeared in the press. This process is an illustrative example of the way in which this kind of shows became part of the public’s taste; also a phenomenon that allows us to understand how the work of the German was read and its assimilation in Mexico.

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