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Friends with Benefits?: Possibilities for the UK’s Continued Participation in the EU’s Foreign and Security Policy

  • Autores: Ramses A. Wessel
  • Localización: European papers: a journal on law and integration, ISSN-e 2499-8249, Vol. 4, Nº. 2, 2019, págs. 427-445
  • Idioma: inglés
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • Despite the ambition of the United Kingdom that Brexit should not lead to a complete de-tachment from the European Union’s foreign, security and defence policy – and, on the contrary, should lead to a new partnership – a post-Brexit cooperation on CFSP and CSDP matters raises a number of questions under both EU and international law. The present Article points to a number of restrictions in both EU primary and secondary law to allow the UK to maintain its participation in the key decision-making organs. At the same time, it assesses possibilities based on existing practices for third States to participate in EU external action.

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