págs. 423-425
Friends with Benefits?: Possibilities for the UK’s Continued Participation in the EU’s Foreign and Security Policy
págs. 427-445
Differentiated Integration in Europe After Brexit: A Legal Analysis
págs. 447-469
The Transformation of Regulatory Cooperation Through Its Inclusion in Free Trade Agreements: What Is Its Added Value?
págs. 471-491
págs. 493-521
The Ne Bis in Idem Principle as a Limit to the Resumption of Competition Proceedings: An Analysis of the Rebar Cartel Saga
págs. 523-561
págs. 563-572
págs. 575-588
págs. 589-601
“Uber test” Revised?: Remarks on Opinion of AG Szpunar in Case Airbnb Ireland
págs. 603-614
Effetti indiretti della Carta dei diritti fondamentali?: In margine alla sentenza Commissione c. Polonia (Indépendance de la Cour suprême)
págs. 615-628
State Aid, the Criterion of State Resources and Renewable Energy Support Mechanisms: Fresh Wind from Luxembourg in EEG 2012
págs. 629-640
Riflessioni a margine della sentenza della Corte di giustizia nel caso AMP Antarctica: un approccio più morbido a favore degli Stati membri?
págs. 641-653
págs. 655-657
págs. 659-661
Do Employers Need to Record Working Time?: The Court of Justice Gives Guidance in Confederación Sindical de Comisiones Obreras (CCOO) v. Deutsche Bank SAE
págs. 663-667
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