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“Uber test” Revised?: Remarks on Opinion of AG Szpunar in Case Airbnb Ireland

    1. [1] University of Macerata

      University of Macerata

      Macerata, Italia

  • Localización: European papers: a journal on law and integration, ISSN-e 2499-8249, Vol. 4, Nº. 2, 2019, págs. 603-614
  • Idioma: inglés
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • In his opinion delivered on 30 April 2019 in case C-390/18, Airbnb Ireland, the AG Szpunar stated that Airbnb provides an information society service. He also proposed a revision of the “Uber test” established in the previous case-law of the CJEU. In this Insight, the opinion is summarized and critically commented, highlighting both the debatable points of the AG’s argumentation and the potential implications for national legislation.

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