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Resumen de A scoring method based on simple probability theory that considers partial knowledge and omission of answers in multiple-choice testing

Desmond Adair, Martin Jaeger

  • A scheme for multiple-choice testing has been developed, based on simple probability theory, that takes into consideration partialknowledge and omissions of responses. It is tested against other methods which also take partial knowledge into account, namely,elimination testing for multiple-choice tests, as well as the conventional dichotomous method of scoring. The scheme is thought ofas novel, in that it considers partial knowledge and omissions using a developed method based on probability theory. The resultsobtained were found to be quite similar to the ‘more-complicated-to-use’ elimination testing and lower results were found whencompared with the conventional dichotomous method. Although the work here was undertaken to enhance testing withinengineering education, there is no reason why this approach cannot be applied to any number of areas within science and artssubjects.

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