Städteregion Aachen, Alemania
La idea de Dios ha permeado nuestra cultura desde un punto de vista teológico, filosófico, artístico, etc. También en el ámbito literario tanto la religión como Dios han jugado un papel innegable. Este trabajo pretende concentrarse en el análisis de Dios como personaje en dos libros álbum (tradicionalmente adscritos a la literatura infantil): La creación, escrito por Bart Moeyaert e ilustrado por Wolf Erlbruch, y Theo y Dios, de Kitty Crowther. Estudiaremos comparativamente la imagen que se ofrece de él a nivel visual y textual, observando detenidamente uno de sus aspectos fundamentales, a saber, la relación que establece con el ser humano.
The idea of God has permeated our culture from a theological, philosophical and artistic point of view. Religion and God have both played an undeniable role in a literary context as well. This paper wants to concentrate on the analysis of God as a character in two picture books (traditionally assigned to children’s literature): The Creation written by Bart Moeyaert and illustrated by Wolf Erlbruch and The Little Man and God by Kitty Crowther. We will compare the image which is offered of him on a visual and textual level, observing in detail one of his main aspects depicted here, which is his relationship to the human being.
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