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Resumen de What evaluates teachers in training and teacher in exercise of primary education about human nutrition?

Juan-Carlos Rivadulla-López, María-Jesús Fuentes-Silveira, Cristina Martínez-Losada

  • The curricular conceptions of the teachers are related to the decisions that they make about what / how to teach / evaluate, being the evaluation a didactic aspect of great influence on students and teachers that allows to evidence the curricular aspects to which the teacher attaches greater importance. For this reason, we proposed to investigate with 10 teachers in Primary Education and 29 small groups of teachers in Primary Education, the key ideas that include the evaluation questions that they propose about human nutrition for 5th / 6th grade Primary. In order to collect data, the teachers in practice were asked to facilitate the evaluation questions they pose in the exams, while the new ones used the activities they carry out during their formative period. In order to analyze the proposed issues, four dimensions were defined (concept / purpose of nutrition, systems that intervene, food and health, nutrition / food and environment) and within each of them different key ideas were identified. The results show that there are differences between in-service teachers and in-service teachers, with professionals being more classic than novices, since it is an innovation that teachers in training attend to the environmental dimension of nutrition. This is a wake-up call for the training systems that are being used, including lifelong learning.

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