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Resumen de Brand strategy scope and advertising spending: The more the better?

Ricardo Sellers Rubio, Aurora Calderón Martínez

  • Given the need to justify business management expenses, firms are very interested in measuringmarketing performance. The objective of this article is to analyze mass media advertising invest-ment from an efficient point of view in hotel chains. To accomplish the objective, this article appliesa two-stage double bootstrap data envelopment analysis to the monetary resources allocated tothe different advertising media by the main companies in the Spanish hotel sector. The authorsfurther investigate the determinants of hotel advertising efficiency in terms of the number ofbrands in the hotel portfolio and the combination of advertising media used (i.e. Internet adver-tising). The results show a certain level of waste of advertising spending by hotel chains and thatboth brand portfolio scope and Internet advertising positively affect efficiency

Fundación Dialnet

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