Our aim was to develop and validate an equation to predicttotal energy expenditure (TEE) based on anthropometricmeasurements and physical activity questionnaires that canbe applied among non-institutionalized Mexican adults. Tomeet this aim, a validation study was conducted with a sam-ple of Mexican adults (n=115, 37% men) that were randomlydivided into two groups to develop and validate new equa-tions to estimate TEE. TEE was measured by indirectcalorimetry and heart rate monitoring for at least three days.These measurements were considered as the referencemethod. The predictors of TEE were age, sex, fat and fat-freemass, body weight and physical activity level (PAL), whichwas assessed with two questions. The accuracy of factorialmethods (e.g. FAO/WHO or Ainsworth’s metabolic equivalentslist) and empirical equations to estimate TEE was compared.Multiple linear regression and Intra-class correlation coeffi-cients were estimate as agreement measurement. The equa-tion developed is as follows: TEE (kcal / d) = 1331.712 -(686.344 x sex, men: 1, women: 2) + (18,051 x body weight,kg) - (16.020 x age, years) + (894.007 x PAL). The accuracyof the equation was modest in the development (R2 = 54.4,standard error = 511.3) and validation (R2 = 59.2, standarderror = 372.8) samples. However, this equation had higheraccuracy than factorial methods or empirical equations. Theequation was developed to estimate the TEE of Mexicanadults, which can be used as a general guide to provide nu-tritional counselling.
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