Leioa, España
La resiliencia es la capacidad que tienen las personas para afrontar las adversidades y salir fortalecidas de las mismas. El/la profesional de la educación social es una figura fundamental en el proceso de creación de condiciones que promueven la resiliencia de las personas y/o grupos con los que interviene. Por eso y por la propia naturaleza de su trabajo, en el que frecuentemente se enfrenta a situaciones adversas, el/la profesional del ámbito socioeducativo ha de tener un nivel adecuado de resiliencia. Esta comunicación expone un estudio exploratorio sobre el perfil resiliente de futuros/as educadores/as sociales, en concreto del alumnado del grado de Educación Social de la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU). Los resultados parecen indicar que el nivel de Resiliencia de los futuros/as educadores/as es moderado y que no hay diferencias estadísticamente significativas en resiliencia en cuanto al sexo ni en cuanto a la edad. En la ponencia también se abordan las bases y estrategias para una pedagogía de la resiliencia.
Resilience is the capacity that the persons have in order to confront the adversities and become strengthened from the same ones. The professional in social-education is a fundamental figure in the process that will create conditions that will promote the resilience in the persons and groups they interact with. Because of this and of their own work's nature, the social educator not only must have an adequate resilience level but also they must have the tools and techniques that will allow them to educate in this topic. This statement shows a study on the resilience profile of future social educators within the Social Education students of the University of the Basque Country. In order to measure the level of resilience in this sample, an adaptation of the scale made by Walnid y Young (1993) has been used. The results obtained seem to indicate that the resilience level of the future educators is moderated and that there are no statistically significant differences in resilience regarding sex or age. On the other hand in the theoretical study, diverse and significant aspects on resilience are approached: conceptualization, history and current importance in the scientific investigation; and the educational strategies that are necessary for its promotion.
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