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The philosophy of success learning as quality assurance methodology of higher pedagogical education

  • Autores: Kondrashova Lidia Valentinovna, Kondrashov Mykola Mykolayovych, Natalia Alexandrovna Chuvasova, Chuvasov Mikhailo Olegovich, Krasiuk Iryna Oleksandrivna
  • Localización: JETT, ISSN-e 1989-9572, Vol. 13, Vol. 1, 2022, págs. 262-275
  • Idioma: inglés
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • The article reveals the results of solving the problem of using the learning by success philosophy as a resource for improving the higher education quality; exposes the essence and the main directions of its implementation in the preparation of a successful teacher, the formation of his attitude towards professional success and career growth. “The Model system of future teacher’s preparation for successful activities” was tested. The organizational and pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of experimental studies (instructions, workshops, trainings, creative projects, master classes) and training technologies were identified and experimentally verified. In addition, the effectiveness of future teachers training for successful professional activities based on the methodological principles of teaching success has been proven. In the process of implementing the pilot program, the positive dynamics of educational students’ achievements in solving the professional problems was revealed. The obtained results confirmed the hypothesis about the effectiveness of the teaching by success philosophy as a methodological basis for improving the quality of higher pedagogical education.

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