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The relationship between subjective risk intelligence and courage with working performance: the potential mediating effect of workplace social courage

    1. [1] University of Catania

      University of Catania

      Catania, Italia

    2. [2] Kingston University

      Kingston University

      Kingston upon Thames, Reino Unido

    3. [3] University of Palermo

      University of Palermo

      Palermo, Italia

    4. [4] Kore University
  • Localización: EJIHPE: European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education, ISSN 2174-8144, ISSN-e 2254-9625, Vol. 12, Nº. 4, 2022, págs. 431-444
  • Idioma: inglés
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • Background: There is a growing attention toward the construct of courage from a psychological point of view; recently, courage has been related with numerous positive individual behaviors and outcomes, such as coping strategies and subjective wellbeing, and an increasing number of studies explore the role of courage in the working and organizational environments. The present study is aimed to analyze the effect that individual courage—together with risk intelligence—and workplace social courage have on working performance; Methods: The participants are 961 Italian workers, balanced by gender; the measures used are: Courage, Subjective Risk Intelligence Scale, Workplace Social Courage Scale, and Performance Scale. Data were analyzed using Structural Equation Models; Results: The results show the effect of subjective risk intelligence and courage on working performance, both directly and through the mediation of workplace social courage;

      Conclusions: Suggestions for further research and practical implications are discussed.

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