Portoviejo, Ecuador
Conocer el movimiento que desarrolla una part´ıcula en el agua dentro de una piscina de producci´on acu´ıcola con tecnolog´ıa biofloc, resulta de vital importancia por su incidencia en los costos totales de estos sistemas productivos, adem´as del efecto ambiental por concepto del uso del agua que ello refleja. En este trabajo se propone un modelo de Langevin para describir dicho movimiento cuando estas part´ıculas son impulsadas por corrientes de aire. Un algoritmo de t´ecnicas Monte Carlo por Cadenas de Markov, espec´ıficamente el Metropolis-Hasting es desarrollado para reconstruir los estados del sistema din´amico no lineal sensitivo a las condiciones iniciales. Se utilizaron datos obtenidos de un experimento a escala y, a partir de ello, se demuestra que la metodolog´ıa propuesta describe de manera id´onea estos movimientos, present´andose patrones c´ıclicos en per´ıodos cortos de tiempo. La eficiencia de predicci´on del modelo es comprobada reproduciendo los estados estimados con los reales. Finalmente, una medida de bondad de ajuste es propuesta para valorar la calidad de la estimaci´on, obteni´endose errores insignificantes en la misma
The movement of a particle in the water is known that is developed within an aquatic production pool with biofloc technology, that is vital importance, that is known by the incidence in the total costs of those production systems, in addition, the environmental effects has had by the used water in the system. In this work, a Langevin model is proposed to describe the movement of the particles that are driven by air currents. An algorithm of Monte Carlo techniques by Markov Chains is used, specifically, the Metropolis-Hasting is developed to reconstruct the states of the non-linear dynamic system that is sensitive to the initial conditions. The data is obtained from a scale experiment, the proposed methodology is shown that the methodology adequately describes those movements, cyclical patterns in short periods of time are presented. The efficiency of prediction of the model is checked that is reproduced from the estimated states with the real data. Finally, a goodness of fit measure is proposed to assess the quality of the estimate, insignificant errors are obtained.
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