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Artearen historia digital parekiderantz: euskal emakume artistak Wikipedian

  • Autores: Maite Luengo Aguirre, Marina Arranz Bombín
  • Localización: Uztaro: giza eta gizarte-zientzien aldizkaria, ISSN 1130-5738, ISSN-e 3020-5115, Nº. 121, 2022, págs. 5-30
  • Idioma: euskera
  • Títulos paralelos:
    • Towards an egalitarian history of art: Basque women artists in Wikipedia
  • Texto completo no disponible (Saber más ...)
  • Resumen
    • English

      As digital humanities develop within the Basque academic context, new lines of research are expanding. One of those lines is the relationship between the asque Wikipedia and different fields of knowledge. In this article, we will specifically examine the ability to visualize women artists in ikipedia in order to provide a more complete History of Art. As such, our main goal is to reflect on the opportunities and challenges that Wikipedia offers for the visibility of authors. To this end, we have first revisited the foundations of the discourse surrounding the history of art, starting from traditional viewpoints before settling on feminist revisions. We have then analysed the entries of Basque artists on Wikipedia. On the one hand, we will take into account the gender distributions of the number of artists in order to emerge trends; on the other hand, we will examine the characteristics of existing biographies, focusing on the presence of writing, age trends, and images. In this way, we will shed light on the current situation of Basque women artists on Wikipedia and provide basic knowledge for the development of this line of research in the future.

    • euskara

      Euskal testuinguru akademikoan humanitate digitalak garatzen ari diren honetan, ikerketa-ildo berriak zabaltzen ari dira. Horietako bat euskarazko Wikipediak ezagutza-alorrekin duen harremana dugu. Artikulu honetan, zehazki, artearen historia osatzean emakume artistak ikusarazteko duen gaitasunaren azterketa burutu dugu. Helburu nagusia izan da autoreen ikusgaitasunerako Wikipediak eskaintzen dituen aukera eta erronken inguruan hausnartzea. Horretarako, lehendabizi artearen historiako kontaketaren oinarriak berrikusi ditugu, irizpide tradizionaletatik abiatu eta gero, berrikuspen feministetan kokatu gara, Wikipediak eskaintzen dituen aukerak behatzeko. Ondoren, Wikipediako euskal artisten sarrerak aztertu ditugu. Alde batetik, artista kopuruen genero-banaketak hartu ditugu kontuan joerak azaleratzeko; bestetik, existitzen diren biografien ezaugarriak aztertu ditugu, idazkera, adinjoera eta irudien presentzian arreta jarriz. Era horretan, euskal emakume artistek Wikipedian duten oraingo egoera argitu eta, etorkizunera begira, ikerketa-ildo hau garatzeko oinarrizko ezagutza eskainiko dugu.

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