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Resumen de Intestnal Microbiota and Celiac Disease

José Moisés Laparra Llopis, Marta Olivares Sevilla, Yolanda Sanz Herranz

  • Intestnal microbiota is considered to perform important metabolic and immunologic functons,which afect the host’s health and disease risk. Evidence from epidemiologic studies suggeststhat environmental factors infuencing the intestnal ecosystem, such breast-feeding practcesand incidence of gastrointestnal infectons, can also contribute to the risk of developing celiacdisease (CD). Breast-feeding seems to exert a protectve role against CD and it also favorsbifdobacteria colonizaton in the infant’s gut. Colonizaton of the newborn intestne isconsidered a critcal stmulus for the adequate development of immune and intestnal barrierfunctons, modulatng host protecton mechanisms against allergens and pathogens.Observatonal studies indicate that gut colonizaton paterns of infants at genetc risk ofdeveloping CD difer from those of non-risk infants, which could also infuence CD development.Imbalances in the gut microbiota of CD patents in comparison to healthy controls have also beenreported in several observatonal studies. It is hypothesized that these alteratons and specifcbacteria isolated from patents could contribute to CD pathogenesis by actvaton of the pro-infammatory Th1-type response typical of the disease according to in vitro and animal studies.Therefore, dietary interventons based on the use of probiotcs are being considered as potentaladjuvants and preventve strategies to control the disease, as well as to improve quality of life ofCD patents. These strategies could theoretcally contribute to restoring the intestnal ecosystem,thereby amelioratng the severity of CD pathological manifestatons and to developing a gluten-tolerant phenotype in subjects at risk via diferent mechanisms.

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