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Resumen de Efecto del agua electrolizada sobre la fermentación ruminal in vitro utilizando inóculo de animales recibiendo forraje

Raúl Bodas Rodríguez, D.J. Bartolomé, María José Tabernero de Paz Risueño, Raquel Posado Ferreras, María Luisa Tejido Mediavilla, A. B. Martin-Diana, L.A. Rodríguez de Antonio, S. Olmedo, J. García i Castell

  • The effects of alkaline (Catolyte, pH 11,5) and slightly acidic (Anolyte, pH 7,0) electrolyzed water substituting 25 or 50% of distilled water in the culture medium for in vitro gas production technique were evaluated when using inocula from fistulated ewes fed on alfalfa hay., Two diets (alfalfa and concentrate) were incubated., When alfalfa was used as substrate, gas and AGV production and butyrate proportion decreased (P<0.,001) and acetate proportion increased (P<0.,001). Anolyte at 25 or 50% rates and Catolyte at 50% rate decreased gas production., Anolyte at 50% rate also decreased final pH, Volatile fatty acids production was not affected, but acetate proportion increased and butyrate proportion decreased when either Anolyte or Catolyte were used at 50% rate (P<0.,05)., Using high doses of electrolyzed water affects ruminal fermentation in vitro by reducing gas production and increasing acetate proportion. Anolyte tends to reduce ruminal pH.

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