La educación tiene muchos aspectos por experimentar que necesitan ser aprendidos por los estudiantes, donde lo más importante y filosóficamente considerado necesario son las experiencias éticas. En la era actual, la educación ética se considera importante para que los estudiantes les enseñen positividad y reduzcan las crisis éticas de su vida. En este estudio se discutieron los pensamientos de Kant sobre la ética y la educación con el fin de explorar su importancia. En el que se debatió el papel imperativo del pensamiento kantiano para la educación actual. Sus pensamientos tienen una gran influencia en la filosofía occidental y se han ganado el puesto principal de ética hasta la fecha. Según Kant, la parte central de la educación es ética y su principal ambición es formatear la propia disciplina interna. Asimismo, dijo que tiene una fuerte relación entre la ética y la educación. Por lo tanto, los pensamientos de Kant son apreciados en esta era, por lo que la ética es adecuada para implementar en el sistema educativo para obtener mejores resultados.
Education has many aspects to be experienced that need to be learned by students, where the most important and philosophically considered necessary is ethical experiences. In the current era ethical education is considered significant for students to teach them positivity and to reduce ethical crises from their life. In this study Kant thoughts on ethics and education were discussed in order to explore its importance. In which the imperative role of Kant thoughts was debated for the current education. His thoughts have had great influence on western philosophy and earned the chief position for ethics till date. According to Kant the central part of education is ethical and its main ambition is formatting one's inner discipline. Also, he said that it has a strong relation between ethics and education. Hence, Kant's thoughts are appreciated in this era therefore ethics is suitable to implement in the education system to acquire better results.
Education has many aspects to be experienced that need to be learned by students, where the most important and philosophically considered necessary is ethical experiences. In the current era ethical education is considered significant for students to teach them positivity and to reduce ethical crises from their life. In this study Kant thoughts on ethics and education were discussed in order to explore its importance. In which the imperative role of Kant thoughts was debated for the current education. His thoughts have had great influence on western philosophy and earned the chief position for ethics till date. According to Kant the central part of education is ethical and its main ambition is formatting one's inner discipline. Also, he said that it has a strong relation between ethics and education. Hence, Kant's thoughts are appreciated in this era therefore ethics is suitable to implement in the education system to acquire better results.
Keywords: Ethics. Education. Kant thoughts.
L'educazione ha molti aspetti da vivere che devono essere appresi dagli studenti, dove il più importante e filosoficamente considerato necessario sono le esperienze etiche. Nell'era attuale l'educazione etica è considerata importante per gli studenti per insegnare loro la positività e per ridurre le crisi etiche dalla loro vita. In questo studio sono stati discussi i pensieri di Kant sull'etica e l'educazione per esplorarne l'importanza. In cui si discuteva il ruolo imperativo del pensiero kantiano per l'educazione attuale. I suoi pensieri hanno una grande influenza sulla filosofia occidentale e si sono guadagnati una posizione di primo piano per l'etica fino ad oggi. Secondo Kant la parte centrale dell'educazione è etica e la sua principale ambizione è formare la propria disciplina interiore. Inoltre, ha affermato che esiste una forte relazione tra etica ed educazione. Quindi i pensieri di Kant sono apprezzati in quest'epoca, quindi l'etica è adatta da implementare nel sistema educativo per ottenere risultati migliori.
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