Juan Karlos López-Mugartza Iriarte
The surname Hualde is present in many of our villages and valleys, but with some variants and different spellings it occurs more frequently in the north-eastern limits of Euskal Herria. Based on the study of the surname, its variants on both sides of the Pyrenees are investi-gated and the components that make it up are analysed; on the one hand, the hydronyms derived from the Basque base ur ‘water’ and, on the other, those constructed with the Basque postposi-tion ‑alde ‘towards the part of, near of’. This also makes it possible to analyse other hydronyms and other common and habitual postpositions in Basque Onomastics, since the postpositional is the way chosen by Basque to express what Romance languages reflect by means of prepositional locutions. Thus, thanks to the postpositions of place, the exact location of the house or place name to which they refer can be determined, and the place occupied in the landscape by the first compositional element of the name it accompanies can be precisely indicated. Throughout the ar-ticle, we analyse the hydronyms found mainly in the Roncal Valley (Navarre) and in the neigh-bouring towns of Larrau and Santa Engracia (Basabürüa, Zuberoa) and, to a lesser extent, and al-ways in relation to the previous ones, in the Salazar Valley (Navarre), in the valleys of Barétous and Aspe (Béarn) and in the Ansó Valley (Aragon). The study of this semantic field shows the postpositive richness of Basque, which clearly shows the continuum existing between both sides of the Pyrenees. In fact, there are few cases in which a toponym or a surname is not found on both sides, albeit with small differences adapted to each place; there are indeed peculiar morphologi-cal or phonetic features that define their origin, but which, ultimately, are also clearly recognised as mere variants of the same common trunk, proof that in another time the relationship between both communities was very close, to the point of constituting the same neighbouring community in which the Pyrenean mountains were not an impassable limit, but a meeting place.
Hualde abizena gure herri eta ibar anitzetan hedatuta dago, baina aldaera eta gra‑fia ezberdinekin Euskal Herriko ipar‑ekialdeko mugetan sarriago gertatzen da. Abizenaren azterke‑tatik abiatuta, Pirinioen bi aldeetako aldaerak ikertu dira eta berau osatzen duten osagaiak aztertu ere bai; alde batetik, ur oinarritik eratorritako hidronimoak, eta, bestetik, -alde postposizioaz eraiki‑takoak. Era berean, beste hidronimo batzuk eta euskal onomastikan ohikoak diren beste postposizio batzuk ere aztertu dira; izan ere, postposizioen bidea izan da euskarak aukeratu duena hizkuntza erromanikoetan preposizio‑lokuzioen bidez islatzen dutena adierazteko. Honela, leku‑postposizioei es‑ker, etxearen, abizenaren edo toponimoaren kokapen zehatza jakin daiteke, bai eta zehatz adierazi ere berak modifikatzen duen izen elkarketaren lehenengo osagaiak zein leku hartzen duen paisaian. Artikuluan zehar, batez ere Erronkarin (Nafarroa) eta mugakide diren Larraine eta Santa Grazi he‑rrietan (Basabürüa, Zuberoa) aurkitutako hidronimoak aztertzen dira, eta, neurri txikiagoan, Za‑raitzun (Nafarroa), Baretos eta Aspe ibarretan (Biarno) eta Anso ibarrean (Aragoi) aurkitutakoak. Era berean, -alde konposizio‑elementuaren multzo semantikoaren azterketak agerian uzten du eus‑kararen aberastasun postpositiboa, argi eta garbi erakusten baitu Pirinioen bi aldeen artean dagoen continuum‑a. Izan ere, oso kasu bakanetan soilik ez dago bi aldeetan toponimorik edo abizenik par‑tekatua ez denik, leku ezberdinetara egokitutako lerradurekin bada ere; badira, hain zuzen ere, ha‑ren jatorria definitzen duten ezaugarri morfologiko edo fonetiko bereziak, baina, azken batean, enbor komun beraren aldaera huts gisa ere argi eta garbi aitortzen direnak, garai batean bi komunitateen arteko harremana oso estua izan zela erakusten dutenak, Pirinioetako mendiak ez baitziren muga gaindiezin bat, elkargune bat baizik.
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