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Trends in sociolinguistics: a series of interviews with leading sociolinguists
Jeroen Darquennes, Leigh Oakes
Sociolinguistica: Internationales Jahrbuch für Europäische Soziolinguistik=International Yearbook of European Sociolinguistics=Annuaire International de la Sociolinguistique Européenne, ISSN 0933-1883, Nº. 37, 2, 2023, págs. 301-302
Sociolinguistica: past, present and future
Jeroen Darquennes, Leigh Oakes, Claudia Maria Riehl
Sociolinguistica: Internationales Jahrbuch für Europäische Soziolinguistik=International Yearbook of European Sociolinguistics=Annuaire International de la Sociolinguistique Européenne, ISSN 0933-1883, Nº. 36, 1-2, 2022, págs. 1-7
On the elasticity of centres and the possibility of multiple roofs: revisiting some of Ulrich Ammon’s views on language variation and pluricentricity
Jeroen Darquennes
Sociolinguistica: Internationales Jahrbuch für Europäische Soziolinguistik=International Yearbook of European Sociolinguistics=Annuaire International de la Sociolinguistique Européenne, ISSN 0933-1883, Nº. 35, 1, 2021, págs. 9-27
Sociolinguistica | Volume 34: Issue 1 Language diversity management in higher education: introductory notes
Jeroen Darquennes, Theodorus du Plessis, Josep Soler Carbonell
Sociolinguistica: Internationales Jahrbuch für Europäische Soziolinguistik=International Yearbook of European Sociolinguistics=Annuaire International de la Sociolinguistique Européenne, ISSN 0933-1883, Nº. 34, 1, 2020, págs. 1-6
Language diversity management in higher education: towards an analytical framework
Jeroen Darquennes, Theodorus du Plessis, Josep Soler Carbonell
Sociolinguistica: Internationales Jahrbuch für Europäische Soziolinguistik=International Yearbook of European Sociolinguistics=Annuaire International de la Sociolinguistique Européenne, ISSN 0933-1883, Nº. 34, 1, 2020, págs. 7-29
Three decades of sociolinguistic bibliographies: a wealth of data waiting to be thoroughly explored
Jeroen Darquennes
Sociolinguistica: Internationales Jahrbuch für Europäische Soziolinguistik=International Yearbook of European Sociolinguistics=Annuaire International de la Sociolinguistique Européenne, ISSN 0933-1883, Nº. 34, 1, 2020, págs. 267-276
Language policy and ‘new speakers’: an introduction to the thematic issue
Josep Soler Carbonell, Jeroen Darquennes
Language policy, ISSN 1568-4555, Vol. 18, Nº. 4, 2019, págs. 467-473
‘New speakers’ and language policy research: thematic and theoretical contributions to the field
Jeroen Darquennes, Josep Soler Carbonell
Language policy, ISSN 1568-4555, Vol. 18, Nº. 4, 2019, págs. 475-491
Die Lage des Deutschen als Fremdaprache im Primar- und Sekundarunterricht im belgischen Teil der Grossregion: eine Bestandsaufnahme
Jeroen Darquennes
Muttersprache, ISSN 0027-514X, Vol. 127, Nº. 1-2, 2017, págs. 30-41
Jeroen Darquennes, Diarmait Mac Giolla Chríost
International journal of the sociology of language, ISSN 0165-2516, Nº. 235, 2015 (Ejemplar dedicado a: Language Conflict), págs. 1-5
Language conflict research: a state of the art
Jeroen Darquennes
International journal of the sociology of language, ISSN 0165-2516, Nº. 235, 2015 (Ejemplar dedicado a: Language Conflict), págs. 7-32
The standardisation of minority languages - introductory remarks
Jeroen Darquennes, Wim Vandenbussche
Sociolinguistica: Internationales Jahrbuch für Europäische Soziolinguistik=International Yearbook of European Sociolinguistics=Annuaire International de la Sociolinguistique Européenne, ISSN 0933-1883, Nº. 29, 2015, págs. 1-16
The contribution of academia to the further development of European language policy:: Some reflections based on an analysis of the European Commission's communications on multilingualism of 2005 and 2008
Jeroen Darquennes
European journal of language policy, ISSN 1757-6822, Vol. 3, Nº. 2, 2011, págs. 141-161
Language and religion as a sociolinguistic field of study: some introductory notes.
Jeroen Darquennes, Wim Vandenbussche
Sociolinguistica: Internationales Jahrbuch für Europäische Soziolinguistik=International Yearbook of European Sociolinguistics=Annuaire International de la Sociolinguistique Européenne, ISSN 0933-1883, Nº. 25, 2011, págs. 1-11
Lut Baten, Jeroen Darquennes, L. Degand, Katja Lochtman
Cahiers de l'Institut de linguistique de Louvain, ISSN 0771-6524, Vol. 32, Nº 1-4, 2006, págs. 231-232
Leben mit mehreren Sprachen – Vivre avec plusieurs langues: Sprachbiographien – Biographies langagières: Rita Franceschini and Johanna Miecznikowski (editors)
Jeroen Darquennes
Journal of multilingual and multicultural development, ISSN 0143-4632, Vol. 27, Nº. 6, 2006, págs. 519-520
German in Belgium: Linguistic Variation from a Contact Linguistic Point of View
Peter Hans Nelde, Jeroen Darquennes
Journal of multilingual and multicultural development, ISSN 0143-4632, Vol. 23, Nº. 1-2, 2002, págs. 65-79
Language and Ethnicity in the New South Africa. (An issue of the International Journal of the Sociology of Language 144): Nkonko M. Kamwangamalu (ed.).
Jeroen Darquennes
Current issues in language planning, ISSN 1466-4208, Vol. 2, Nº. 4, 2001, págs. 446-452
Sociolinguistics in the Dutch language area
Jeroen Darquennes
The Routledge handbook of sociolinguistics around the world / coord. por Martin John Ball, Rajend Mesthrie, Chiara Meluzzi, 2024, ISBN 9781032056128, págs. 445-453
Language standardization in european autochtonous minority language communities: looking back to the future
Jeroen Darquennes
Arantzazutik mundu zabalera: euskararen normatibizazioa, 1968-2018 = la normativización del euskera, 1968-2018 = la standarisation de la langue basque, 1968-2018 = Basque language's standardization, 1968-2018 / Andrés M. Urrutia Badiola (ed. lit.), 2021, ISBN 978-84-9192-213-1, págs. 71-86
Reversing Language Shift in European language minority settings: a tentative general outline of contemporary challenges and strategies
Jeroen Darquennes
Hizkuntza gutxiagotuak jagon, euskaraz bizi / Jean-Baptiste Coyos (ed. lit.), Sagrario Aleman Astiz (ed. lit.), 2020, ISBN 978-84-121889-8-1, págs. 133-153
New Speakers and Language Policy
Bernadette O'Rourke, Josep Soler, Jeroen Darquennes
The Oxford handbook of language policy and planning / coord. por James W. Tollefson, Miguel Pérez Milans, 2018, ISBN 9780190458898, págs. 610-632
Gazzola, Michele, Federico Gobbo, David Cassels Johnson & Jorge Antonio Leoni de León (2023): Epistemological and Theoretical Foundations in Language Policy and Planning
Jeroen Darquennes
Sociolinguistica: Internationales Jahrbuch für Europäische Soziolinguistik=International Yearbook of European Sociolinguistics=Annuaire International de la Sociolinguistique Européenne, ISSN 0933-1883, Nº. 38, 1, 2024, págs. 119-123
Es reseña de:
Epistemological and Theoretical Foundations in Language Policy and Planning
Michele Gazzola, Federico Gobbo, David Cassels Johnson, Jorge Antonio Leoni de León
Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2023
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