Periodo de publicación recogido
Metamorphic slice: An application in spectrum-based fault localization
Xiaoyuan Xie, W. Eric Wong, Tsong Yueh Chen, Baowen Xu
Information and software technology, ISSN 0950-5849, Vol. 55, Nº 5, 2013, págs. 866-879
Enhancing software reliability estimates using modified adaptive testing
Hai Hu, Chang Hai Jiang, Kai-Yuan Cai, W. Eric Wong, Aditya P. Mathur
Information and software technology, ISSN 0950-5849, Vol. 55, Nº 2, 2013, págs. 288-300
Validation of SDL-based architectural design models using communication-based coverage criteria
Andy Restrepo, W. Eric Wong
Information and software technology, ISSN 0950-5849, Vol. 54, Nº 12, 2012, págs. 1418-1431
Mutant generation for embedded systems using kernel-based software and hardware fault simulation
Ahyoung Sung, Byongju Choi, W. Eric Wong, Vidroha Debroy
Information and software technology, ISSN 0950-5849, Vol. 53, Nº 10, 2011, págs. 1153-1164
Special section editorial: Special section editorial – Software Engineering track of the 24th Annual Symposium on Applied Computing
W. Eric Wong
Information and software technology, ISSN 0950-5849, Vol. 53, Nº 4, 2011, págs. 294-294
Validation of SDL specifications using EFSM-based test generation
W. Eric Wong, Andy Restrepo, Byongju Choi
Information and software technology, ISSN 0950-5849, Vol. 51, Nº 11, 2009, págs. 1505-1519
Using Mutation to Automatically Suggest Fixes for Faulty Programs
W. Eric Wong, Vidroha Debroy
Third International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and Validation. ICST 2010. 7-9 April 2010 Paris, France / coord. por Marie-Claude Gaudel, 2010, ISBN 9780769539904, págs. 65-74
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