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Hidden Hamiltonian Cycle Recovery via Linear Programming
Vivek Bagaria, Jian Ding, David Tse, Yihong Wu, Jiaming Xu
Operations research, ISSN 0030-364X, Nº. 1, 2020, págs. 53-70
When multiplicative noise stymies control
Jian Ding, Yuval Peres, Gireeja Ranade, Alex Zhai
Annals of applied probability: an official journal of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, ISSN 1050-5164, Vol. 29, Nº. 4, 2019, págs. 1963-1992
Extreme values for two-dimensional discrete Gaussian free field
Jian Ding, Ofer Zeitouni
Annals of probability: An official journal of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, ISSN 0091-1798, Vol. 42, Nº. 4, 2014, págs. 1480-1515
Asymptotics of cover times via Gaussian free fields:: bounded-degree graphs and generals trees
Jian Ding
Annals of probability: An official journal of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, ISSN 0091-1798, Vol. 42, Nº. 2, 2014, págs. 464-496
Scaling window for mean-field percolation of averages
Jian Ding
Annals of probability: An official journal of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, ISSN 0091-1798, Vol. 41, Nº. 6, 2013, págs. 4407-4427
Jixi Gao, Houhu Zhang, Xuezhang Cao, Jian Ding, Guanghui Yu, Huacheng Xu
Waste management, ISSN-e 0956-053X, Nº. 5, 2013, págs. 1229-1236
Cover times, blanket times, and majorizing measures
Jian Ding, James R. Lee, Yuval Peres
Annals of mathematics, ISSN 0003-486X, Vol. 175, Nº 3, 2012, págs. 1409-1471
Mixing time of near-critical random graphs
Jian Ding, Eyal Lubetzky, Yuval Peres
Annals of probability: An official journal of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, ISSN 0091-1798, Vol. 40, Nº. 3, 2012, págs. 979-1008
Homoclinic Orbits of Nonperiodic Super Quadratic Hamiltonian System
Jian Ding, Junxiang Xu, Fubao Zhang
Acta applicandae mathematicae, ISSN 0167-8019, Vol. 110, Nº. 3, 2010, págs. 1353-1371
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