Periodo de publicación recogido
Introduction of the John Arthur Wilson Memorial Lecture
D. G. Bailey
Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association, ISSN 0002-9726, Vol. 102, Nº 8, 2007, pág. 247
The 44th John Arthur Wilson Memorial Lecture: preservation of hides and skins
D. G. Bailey
Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association, ISSN 0002-9726, Vol. 98, Nº 8, 2003, pág. 308
Acceptable of the John Arthur Wilson Memorial Lecture Plaque
D. G. Bailey
Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association, ISSN 0002-9726, Vol. 98, Nº 8, 2003, pág. 320
Presentation of the 2003 Fred O'Flaherty Services Award
Lori Hyllengren, D. G. Bailey
Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association, ISSN 0002-9726, Vol. 98, Nº 8, 2003, pág. 321
Rapid Oxidative Unhairing with Alkaline Calcium Peroxide
R. Dudley, William Marmer, C. E. Mazenko, A. G. Gehring, D. G. Bailey, G. L. DiMaio
Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association, ISSN 0002-9726, Vol. 98, Nº 6, 2003, pág. 216
Improved hide quality and rapid unhairing
J. Crowther, A. G. Gehring, D. G. Bailey, G. L. DiMaio
Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association, ISSN 0002-9726, Vol. 97, Nº 9, 2002, pág. 339
Electron Beam Irradiation Preservation of Cattle Hides in a Commercial-Scale Demonstration
G. D. Ross, D. G. Bailey, G. L. DiMaio, A. G. Gehring
Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association, ISSN 0002-9726, Vol. 96, Nº 10, 2001, págs. 382-392
Evaluation of Urea Sulfate as a Replacement for Sulfuric Acid in Chrome Tanning
A. G. Gehring, D. G. Bailey, G. L. DiMaio
Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association, ISSN 0002-9726, Vol. 96, Nº 7, 2001, págs. 268-274
Presentation of the John Arthur Wilson Memorial Lecture Plaque
D. G. Bailey
Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association, ISSN 0002-9726, Vol. 95, Nº 6, 2000, pág. 222
Structure of Bovine Skin and Hair Root - A Scanning Electron Microscope Investigation
M. Wagner, D. G. Bailey
Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association, ISSN 0002-9726, Vol. 94, Nº 10, 1999, págs. 378-383
Gamma Radiation Preservation on Cattle Hides. A New Twist on an Old Story
D. G. Bailey
Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association, ISSN 0002-9726, Vol. 94, Nº 7, 1999, págs. 259-267
Viscometric Assay of the Protease Activity of Bate and Drum Liquor
S. Mozersky, J. Deiss, D. G. Bailey
Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association, ISSN 0002-9726, Vol. 94, Nº 2, 1999, págs. 51-58
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