Periodo de publicación recogido
1. The state and agricultural modernisation in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in Europe
Peter Moser, Tony Varley
Integration through subordination: the politics of agricultural modernisation in industrial Europe / Peter Moser (ed. lit.), 2013, ISBN 9782503545295, págs. 13-39
Corporatism, Agricultural Modernization and War in Ireland and Switzerland, 1935-1955
Peter Moser, Tony Varley
War, Agriculture and Food. Rural Europe from the 1930s to the 1950s / coord. por Paul Brassley, 2012, ISBN 9780415522168, págs. 137-154
Tony Varley
Historia agraria: Revista de agricultura e historia rural, ISSN 1139-1472, Nº 82, 2020, págs. 289-294
Es reseña de:
Civilising Rural Ireland: The Co-Operative Movement, Development and the Nation-State, 1889-1939
Patrick Doyle
Manchester : Manchester University Press, 2019
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