Área de conocimientoPeriodo de publicación recogido
Cutting-Edge and Cross-Cutting: Connecting the Dots between Nanotechnology and High School Chemistry
Gregory T. Rushton, Brett Criswell
Journal of chemical education, ISSN 0021-9584, Vol. 89, Nº 10, 2012, págs. 1217-1219
Conceptual Change, Productive Practices, and Themata: Supporting Chemistry Classroom Talk
Brett Criswell, Gregory T. Rushton
Journal of chemical education, ISSN 0021-9584, Vol. 89, Nº 10, 2012, págs. 1236-1242
Framing inquiry in high school chemistry: helping students see the bigger picture
Brett Criswell
Journal of chemical education, ISSN 0021-9584, Vol. 89, Nº 2, 2012, págs. 199-205
Do You See What I See? Lessons about the Use of Models in High School Chemistry Classes
Brett Criswell
Journal of chemical education, ISSN 0021-9584, Vol. 88, Nº 4, 2011, págs. 415-419
Teaching Avogadro's Hypothesis and Helping Students to See the World Differently.
Brett Criswell
Journal of chemical education, ISSN 0021-9584, Vol. 85, Nº 10, 2008, págs. 1372-1376
Connecting Acids and Bases with Encapsulation...and Chemistry with Nanotechnology.
Brett Criswell
Journal of chemical education, ISSN 0021-9584, Vol. 84, Nº 7, 2007, págs. 1136-1139
Mistake of Having Students Be Mendeleev for Just a Day.
Brett Criswell
Journal of chemical education, ISSN 0021-9584, Vol. 84, Nº 7, 2007, págs. 1140-1144
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