Periodo de publicación recogido
Quando comer se torna um negócio
Marina Heck, Jeffrey Pilcher, Krishnendu Ray, Eliane Brito Silva
RAE-Revista de Administração de Empresas, ISSN-e 2178-938X, ISSN 0034-7590, Vol. 58, Nº. 3 (maio-junho), 2018, págs. 217-221
“Cerveja com características chinesas”: Marketing de cerveja sob o regime maoísta
Jeffrey Pilcher, Yu Wang, Yuebin Jackson Guo
RAE-Revista de Administração de Empresas, ISSN-e 2178-938X, ISSN 0034-7590, Vol. 58, Nº. 3 (maio-junho), 2018, págs. 303-315
National beer in a global age: technology, taste, and mobility, 1880-1914
Jeffrey Pilcher
Quaderni storici, ISSN 0301-6307, Anno 51, Nº 151, 2016, págs. 51-70
"Old Stock" Tamales and Migrant Tacos: Taste, Authenticity, and the Naturalization of Mexican Food
Jeffrey Pilcher
Social research: An international quarterly of the social sciences, ISSN 0037-783X, Nº. 2, 2014 (Ejemplar dedicado a: Food and immigrant live), págs. 441-462
Creating Mexican Consumer Culture in the Age of Porfirio Díaz by Steven B. Bunker (review)
Jeffrey Pilcher
The Americas: A quarterly review of inter-american cultural history, ISSN 0003-1615, Vol. 70, Nº. 2, 2013, págs. 315-316
So Far From Allah, So Close to Mexico: Middle Eastern Immigrants in Modern Mexico (review)
Jeffrey Pilcher
The Americas: A quarterly review of inter-american cultural history, ISSN 0003-1615, Vol. 65, Nº. 1, 2008, págs. 121-122
Con sabor a tertulia: Historia del consume del café en Costa Rica (1840-1940)
Jeffrey Pilcher
American historical review. Clases I, ISSN 0002-8762, Vol. 110, Nº 3, 2005, págs. 839-840
Fajitas and the failure of refrigerated meatpcking in Mexico: cosnumer culture and porfirian capitalism
Jeffrey Pilcher
The Americas: A quarterly review of inter-american cultural history, ISSN 0003-1615, Vol. 60, Nº. 3 (JAN), 2004, págs. 411-429
Cantinfladas of the PRI: (Mis) Representations of Mexican Society in the Films of Mario Moreno
Jeffrey Pilcher
Filmhistoria online, ISSN-e 2014-668X, Vol. 9, Nº. 2, 1999, págs. 189-206
Tamales or timbales: cuisine and the formation of Mexican national identity, 1821-1911.
Jeffrey Pilcher
The Americas: A quarterly review of inter-american cultural history, ISSN 0003-1615, Vol. 53, Nº. 2, 1996, págs. 193-216
Jeffrey Pilcher
Iberia and the Americas: culture, politics, and history : a multidisciplinary encyclopedia / coord. por J. Michael Francis, Vol. 2, 2006 (D-M), ISBN 1-85109-421-0, págs. 499-503
Jeffrey Pilcher
Journal of Latin American Studies, ISSN 0022-216X, ISSN-e 1469-767X, Vol. 41, Nº. 4, 2009, págs. 843-845
Es reseña de:
Kitchenspace: Women, Fiestas, and Everyday Life in Central Mexico
Marie Elisa Christie
Austin : University of Texas Press, 2008
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