Periodo de publicación recogido
«Cantantibus organis, Cecilia, semper cantantibus!»
Gaspar Muñiz Álvarez
Phase: revista de pastoral litúrgica, ISSN 0210-3877, Nº. 358, 2020, págs. 541-556
Música hispano-mozárabe: una sencilla iniciación
Gaspar Muñiz Álvarez
Mozárabes en la España medieval: cristianos entre Al-Ándalus y los reinos cristianos : (siglos VIII-XIII) / coord. por Gloria Lora Serrano, Álvaro Solano Fernández-Sordo, 2022, ISBN 978-84-18952-00-5, págs. 211-227
Bibliografía reciente en inglés
José antonio Goñi Beasoain de Paulorena, Gaspar Muñiz Álvarez
Phase: revista de pastoral litúrgica, ISSN 0210-3877, Nº. 365, 2022, págs. 429-431
Es reseña de:
Our Church, Our Altar. A people's guide to the dedication of a Church and its anniversary
Paul Turner
Collegeville (MN) : Liturgical Press, 2021
Introduction to Eastern Christian Liturgies
Stefanos Alexopoulos, Maxwell E. Johnson
Collegeville (MN) : Liturgical Press, 2021
Lively Oracles of God. Perspectives on the Bible and Liturgy
Gordon Jeanes, Bridget Nichols (ed. lit.)
Collegeville (MN) : Liturgical Press, 2022
Verbum ac Spiritus: dublici de munere praesidendi coetui orationemque. Word and Spirit: on the double role of presiding in the assembly and directing the prayer (Liturgiam artibus provehens architectura 2/ Architecture with arts for liturgy 2)
Daniel P. McCarthy
Farnborough (Hampshire) : St. Michael's Abbey Press, 2021
Ars Celebrandi. Celebrating and Concelebrating Mass
Paul Turner
Collegeville (MN) : Liturgical Press, 2021
New Church, New Altar. A Commentary on the Order of Dedication of a Church and an Altar
Paul Turner
Collegeville (MN) : Liturgical Press, 2021
Sacred Oils
Paul Turner
Collegeville (MN) : Liturgical Press, 2021
Canimus, sine fine dicentes. The origin and development of the "Dialogue Mass" and its influence on the preparation of the Missale Romanum of 1970 (Monumenta Studia Instrumenta Liturgica 84)
Fergus Michael Timothy Ryan
Città del Vaticano : Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2021
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