Periodo de publicación recogido
Media Content, Accounting Quality, and Liquidity Volatility
Rochester H. Cahan, Steven F. Cahan, Charlene Lee, N.H. Nguyen
European accounting review, ISSN 0963-8180, Vol. 26, Nº 1, 2017, págs. 1-25
Social Norms and CSR Performance
Steven F. Cahan, Chen Chen, Li Chen
Journal of business ethics, ISSN 0167-4544, Vol. 145, Nº. 3, 2017, págs. 493-508
Are CSR Disclosures Value Relevant? Cross-Country Evidence
Steven F. Cahan, Charl de Villiers, Debra C. Jeter, Vic Naiker, Chris J. van Staden
European accounting review, ISSN 0963-8180, Vol. 25, Nº 3, 2016, págs. 579-611
Individual Auditor Conservatism After CSRC Sanctions.
Jerry Sun, Steven F. Cahan, Jing Xu
Journal of business ethics, ISSN 0167-4544, Vol. 136, Nº. 1, 2016, págs. 133-146
The Effect of Audit Experience on Audit Fees and Audit Quality
Steven F. Cahan, Jerry Sun
Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance, ISSN-e 2160-4061, ISSN 0148-558X, Vol. 30, Nº 1, 2015, págs. 78-100
Corporate social responsibility and media coverage
Steven F. Cahan, Chen Chen, Li Chen, N.H. Nguyen
Journal of banking and finance, ISSN 0378-4266, Vol. 59, Nº. 10, 2015, págs. 409-422
The Value Relevance of Mandatory Non-GAAP Earnings
Elmar R. Venter, David Emanuel, Steven F. Cahan
Abacus: A journal of accounting, finance and business studies, ISSN 0001-3072, Vol. 50, Nº 1, 2014, págs. 1-24
Board Structure and Executive Compensation in the Public Sector: New Zealand Evidence
Steven F. Cahan, Frances Chua, Robert Ochoki Nyamori
Financial accountability & management in governments, public services and charities, ISSN 0267-4424, Nº. 4, 2005, págs. 437-465
Insider Trading and Pay-Performance Sensitivity: An Empirical Analysis
Wei Zhang, Steven F. Cahan, Arthur C. Allen
Journal of business finance and accounting, JBFA, ISSN 0306-686X, Vol. 32, Nº 9, 2005, págs. 1887-1919
Odd-lot Costs and Taxation Influences on Stock Dividend Ex-dates
Lawrence C. Rose, Steven F. Cahan, Hamish D. Anderson
Journal of business finance and accounting, JBFA, ISSN 0306-686X, Vol. 31, Nº 9, 2004, págs. 1419-1448
Do managers perform better under EVA bonus schemes?
Mohan Lal, Stephen S. Riceman, Steven F. Cahan
European accounting review, ISSN 0963-8180, Vol. 11, Nº 3, 2002, págs. 537-572
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