Periodo de publicación recogido
Buy low, sell high? Do private equity fund managers have market timing abilities?
TIM JENKINSON, Stefan Morkoetter, Tobias Schori, Thomas Wetzer
Journal of banking and finance, ISSN 0378-4266, Vol. 138, Nº. 5, 2022, pág. 18
Can investors time their exposure to private equity?
Gregory Brown, Robert Harris, Wendy Hu, TIM JENKINSON, Steven N. Kaplan, David T. Robinson
Journal of financial economics, ISSN 0304-405X, Vol. 139, Nº. 2, 2021, págs. 561-577
Adverse selection and the performance of private equity co-investments
Reiner Braun, TIM JENKINSON, Christoph Schemmerl
Journal of financial economics, ISSN 0304-405X, Vol. 136, Nº. 1, 2020, págs. 44-62
Financial intermediation in private equity: How well do funds of funds perform?
Robert S. Harris, TIM JENKINSON, STEVEN N. KAPLAN, Ruedigere Stucke
Journal of financial economics, ISSN 0304-405X, Vol. 129, Nº. 2, 2018, págs. 287-305
How persistent is private equity performance? Evidence from deal-level data
Reiner Braun, TIM JENKINSON, Ingo Stoff
Journal of financial economics, ISSN 0304-405X, Vol. 123, Nº. 2, 2017, págs. 273-291
What determines the exit decision for leveraged buyouts?
Journal of banking and finance, ISSN 0378-4266, Vol. 59, Nº. 10, 2015, págs. 399-408
Bids and Allocations in European IPO Bookbuilding
The Journal of finance, ISSN 0022-1082, Vol. 59, Nº 5, 2004, págs. 2309-2338
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