This volume contains the proceedings of the Primeras Jornadas de Investigación Predoctoral en Ingeniería Informática - First Doctoral Consortium in Computer Science, JIPII 2021, which was held online on June 15th, 2021. The aim of JIPII 2021 was to provide a forum for PhD students to present and discuss their research under the guidance of a panel of senior researchers. The advances in their PhD theses under development in the Doctoral Program in Computer Science were presented in the Consortium. This Doctoral Program belongs to the Doctoral School of the University of Cadiz (EDUCA). Different stages of research were covered, from the most incipient phase, such as the PhD Thesis plans (or even a Master’s Thesis), to the most advanced phases in which the defence of the PhD Thesis is imminent. We enjoyed twenty very nice and interesting talks, organized in four sessions. We had a total of fifty participants, including speakers and attendees, with an average of thirty-two people in the morning sessions and an average of twenty people in the afternoon sessions. Several people contributed to the success of JIPII 2021. We are grateful to the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Program in Computer Science and the School of Engineering for their support. We would like also to thank the Program Committee for their work in reviewing the papers, as well as all the students and supervisors for their interest and participation. Finally, the proceedings have been published by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. We hope that you find the proceedings useful, interesting, and challenging
Técnicas avanzadas para la mejora de la prueba del software
Kevin Jesús Valle Gómez, Pedro Delgado Pérez, Inmaculada Medina Bulo
págs. 6-10
págs. 11-15
págs. 16-20
Sustainable Fishing: applying Data Science to the Ecological Trap Hypothesis
págs. 21-25
Procesamiento en el plano focal para un tratamiento de macrodatos más eficiente
Jorge Johanny Saenz Noval, Juan Antonio Leñero Bardallo, Rubén Gómez Merchán, Lionel Cervera Gontard
págs. 26-30
págs. 31-35
Data Governance for Federated Machine Learning in secure Web-Based Systems
José Antonio Peregrina Pérez, Guadalupe Ortiz Bellot, Christian Zirpins
págs. 36-39
Aplicación del Procesamiento de Eventos Complejos al Cuidado de las Personas Dependientes
Pablo Caballero Torres, Guadalupe Ortiz Bellot, Inmaculada Medina Bulo
págs. 40-44
Denoising Autoencoders for handling missing data problem with non-monotone pattern
Juan Francisco Cabrera Sánchez, Andrés Yáñez Escolano, Esther Lydia Silva Ramírez
págs. 45-49
págs. 50-54
págs. 55-59
Sistema para el muestreo manual de aguacates en plantas hortofrutícolas
Pedro Espejo Zarazaga, Sandra del Pozo Arcos, Guadalupe Ortiz Bellot, Tatiana Person, Juan Boubeta Puig
págs. 60-64
págs. 65-70
Tecnologías y arquitecturas de servicio para Smart Cities
Moisés Guerrero, Guadalupe Ortiz Bellot, Tatiana Person, Juan Boubeta Puig
págs. 71-75
Monitorización de Hogares Unipersonales con Necesidades Especiales
María José Agraso Martínez, Francisco Carmona, Guadalupe Ortiz Bellot, Tatiana Person Montero, Juan Boubeta Puig
págs. 76-80
págs. 81-85
Solving combinatorial optimization with deep reinforcement learning
José María Caravaca, Bernabé Dorronsoro Díaz, Sergio Nesmachnow
págs. 86-89
págs. 90-94
Optimización de Conjuntos de Casos de Prueba Mediante Algoritmos Genéticos
María Martín Marín, Juan José Domínguez Jiménez, Antonia Estero Botaro
págs. 95-99
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