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Resumen de Generalización, estructuras y representaciones de estudiantes de segundo de educación primaria desde un enfoque funcional del early algebra

María Dolores Torres González

  • español

    Específicamente esta tesis se centra en el estudio del pensamiento funcional como un modo de acercarse al pensamiento algebraico, donde la función es el contenido matemático clave. Pretendemos caracterizar el pensamiento funcional atendiendo a las nociones de generalización, estructura y representación como descriptores de dicho pensamiento.

  • English

    In this Thesis we assume that algebra and algebraic thinking go beyond the use of algebraic notation, employing representations as varied as natural language, manipulative, pictorial, numerical, tabular representations, among others, to express generalization. As we encourage students to attend to properties and relations between quantities, examining their generality, this activity is considered part of algebraic thinking. In functional thinking, functions are the key mathematical content involved. In this Doctoral Thesis, we intend to characterize functional thinking through the notions of generalization, structure and representation.

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