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Resumen de Recopilación, desarrollo pedagógico y evaluación de un banco de colocaciones frecuentes de la lengua inglesa a través de la lingüística de corpus y computacional

María Moreno Jaén

  • The piece of research reported in this work addresses the complex issue of second language collocation assessment. This study stems from the results of a previous investigation the author conducted during her Masters Degree where both the scarcity of efficient measures for testing collocational knowledge existing to date, and the problems our students show when dealing with these lexical elements called for further research. Thus, this thesis is an attempt to make a contribution in this field.

    The overall aim of the study is two-fold. First, we intended to assess whether our students are proficient in collocations or, on the contrary, we should take some course of action to ensure a better pedagogical treatment of this important aspect of linguistic competence in our classrooms. Second, we tried to design a new measure which might lead to a valid and reliable assessment of students' productive and receptive knowledge of collocations, ADELEX Test of Collocations v.1.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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