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Drinks international

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    Año 2013, Número 8

    • A Dutch master: Patrick van Zuidam is one of the new generation of Dutch distillers for whom quality is paramount

      Christian Davis

      págs. 12-13

    • Coscktail A-Z: Lucy Britner provides the definitive lowdown on cocktail culture

      Lucy Britner

      págs. 15-17

    • The G&T comes of age: In Spain it's tretaed with a reverential respect which has hitherto not been apparent in other gin strongholds - but now the G&T is under the spotlight

      Patience Gould

      págs. 19-21

    • Craft work: American whiskey is being revolutionised by a rampant crft distilling industry - but will new players enhance or damage the US's reputation for quality

      Dominic Roskrow

      págs. 23-25

    • New old world: Spain may be Old World but it is arguably the least Old World of the major wine producing countries

      Christian Davis

      págs. 30-33

    • Money talks: Hamish Smith travels to Argentina and finds that economic policy is steering the direction of the country's wine industry

      Hamish Smith

      págs. 35-37

    • A drop in the ocean: Japanese shochu is seeking broader shores, and interest from restaurants and cocktails bars outside its homeland are providing hope

      Hamish Smith

      págs. 40-41

    • Korea moves: Soju is little-known outside its birthplace, Korea, but Hamish Smith senses a sea-change

      Hamish Smith

      págs. 42-44

    • Good for what ales you: The annual International Beer Challenge attracts the best in craft brewing from around the world. Chairman of judges Jeff Evans gives the lowdown on this year's record entries

      Jeff Evans

      págs. 46-47

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