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Drinks international

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    Año 2013, Número 12

    • World wine pros and cons: Wine Vision made its debut last month, bringing the world's leading international wine experts to London's South Bank for a jam-packed three-day conference

      Hamish Smith

      págs. 7-8

    • Jack of one trade: Bruce Jack is one of South Africa's best and most high profile winemakers, in charge of all of Accolade's SA wines

      Christian Davis

      págs. 14-15

    • págs. 16-22

    • Bright outlook port side: Hamish Smith travels to Porto and finds optimism where he was least expecting it

      Hamish Smith

      págs. 26-28

    • Boar wars: Hamish Smith visits Roussillon, in France, a region on the up despite myriad challenges - and the hogs driving winemakers crazy

      Hamish Smith

      pág. 30

    • Brandy snaps: Brandy, outside of the classic Cognac, Armagnac and calvados sectors, is a huge, diverse category comprising mainly national brands

      Christian Davis

      págs. 32-34

    • All shook up: An old country with a new approach to its winemaking, Moldova is eyeing international markets

      Jaq Bayles

      págs. 36-37

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