Differential validity for cognitive ability tests in employment and educational settings: : Not much more than range restriction?
Philip L. Roth, Huy Le, In-Sue Oh, Chad H. Van Iddekinge, Maury A. Buster
págs. 1-20
Racial/ethnic subgroup differences in cognitive ability test range restriction: : Implications for differential validity.
págs. 21-33
págs. 38-47
págs. 48-63
�Exploring the disruptive effects of psychopathy and aggression on group processes and group effectiveness�: : Correction to Baysinger et al. (2013)
págs. 64-65
Show and tell: : How supervisors facilitate leader development among transitioning leaders
Lisa Dragoni, Haeseen Park, Jim Soltis, Sheila Forte-Trammell
págs. 66-84
"Reducing job insecurity and increasing performance ratings: : Does impression management matter?": Correction to Huang et al. (2013).
Guo-hua Huang, Helen Hailin Zhao, Xiong-ying Niu, Susan J. Ashford, Cynthia Lee
págs. 85-86
Speaking more broadly: : An examination of the nature, antecedents, and consequences of an expanded set of employee voice behaviors.
págs. 87-112
Discourse-based intervention for modifying supervisory communication as leverage for safety climate and performance improvement: : A randomized field study.
págs. 113-124
Emotionally unskilled, unaware, and uninterested in learning more: : Reactions to feedback about deficits in emotional intelligence.
págs. 125-137
Surviving an abusive supervisor: : The joint roles of conscientiousness and coping strategies.
Amit K. Nandkeolyar, Jonathan A. Shaffer, Andrew Li, Srinivas Ekkirala, Jessica Bagger
págs. 138-150
Exploring the effects of individual customer incivility encounters on employee incivility: : The moderating roles of entity (in)civility and negative affectivity
David D. Walker, Danielle D. van Jaarsveld, Daniel P. Skarlicki
págs. 151-161
Personality and adaptive performance at work: : A meta-analytic investigation
Jason L. Huang, Ann Marie Ryan, Keith L. Zabel, Ashley Palmer
págs. 162-179
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