Google plans quantum supremacy
Jacob Aron
págs. 8-9
Solar blasts are bad news for life on Proxima b
pág. 9
Semen reshapes immune system
Alice Klein
pág. 10
Mind-controlled bots release drugs in a body
Helen Thomson
Brain zap restores consciousness
pág. 12
Stomping elephants make wildlife ponds
Karl Gruber
Taming the tech giants
Hal Hodson
págs. 16-17
Life in the firing line
Chris Packham
pág. 18
Great support act
Kevin Franciotti
Why fake babies don't cut teen pregnancies
Sally Adee
pág. 19
Medicine by machine
Aviva Rutkin
págs. 20-21
Instagram posts can hint at depression
Conor Gearin
pág. 22
Rise of robo-octopus
Paul Marks
Thawed out
Emily Benson
págs. 24-25
Kestrel manoeuvres in the dark
Fred Pearce
págs. 40-41
A river runs through it
págs. 42-43
Here comes a chopper...
Ian Tattersall
pág. 44
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