Morphological segmentations of Non-Māori Speaking New Zealanders match proficient speakers
Forrest Panther, Wakayo Mattingley, Jen Hay, Simon Todd, Jeanette King, Peter J. Keegan
págs. 1-15
The Foreign Language Effect on Tolerance of Ambiguity
Silvia Purpuri, Nicola Vasta, Roberto Filippi, Li Wei, Claudio Mulatti
págs. 16-24
Linking frequency to bilingual switch costs during real-time sentence comprehension
Lauren K. Salig, Jorge R. Valdés Kroff, L. Robert Slevc, Jared M. Novick
págs. 25-40
págs. 41-56
págs. 57-74
Nouns are not always processed faster than verbs in bilingual speakers: effects of language distance
págs. 75-83
Do more proficient writers use fewer cognates in L2?: A computational approach
Liat Nativ, Yuval Nov, Noam Ordan, Shuly Wintner, Anat Prior
págs. 84-94
págs. 95-106
Neuroplasticity and cognitive reserve effects in the Caudate Nucleus of young bilingual adults
Federico Gallo, Liliia Terekhina, Yury Shtyrov, Andriy Myachykov
págs. 107-116
págs. 117-127
An ERP study on novel word learning in an immersive virtual reality context
Lu Jiao, Mengrui Zhu, Zijie Xu, Guanzhu Zhou, John W. Schwieter, Cong Liu
págs. 128-136
The role of cognitive control in bilingual language comprehension: An event-related potential study of dense code-switching sentences
págs. 137-153
págs. 154-163
Bilingual profiles differentially predict executive functions during early childhood: A latent profile analysis
págs. 164-177
Executive functions are modulated by the context of dual language use: diglossic, bilingual and monolingual older adults
Najla Alrwaita, Carmel Houston-Price, Lotte Meteyard, Toms Voits, Christos Pliatsikas
págs. 178-203
págs. 204-213
RER-LX: A new scale to measure reduced emotional resonance in bilinguals’ later learnt language – ERRATUM
págs. 214-214
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