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Implementing an Eleven Year Through-train Model to complete Primary and Secondary Education: Creating a platform for accommodating the newest pedagogical practices and technologies in school

  • Autores: Miranda S. P. Luk, Wendy Y. Y. Lau, Eva S. Y. Chan, Fanny K. F. Lee, Joseph Y. W. Chui, Paul Y. H. Yau
  • Localización: REICE: Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, ISSN-e 1696-4713, Vol. 3, Nº. 1, 2005 (Ejemplar dedicado a: XVIII International Congress on School Effectiveness and Improvement (ICSEI 2005)), págs. 273-275
  • Idioma: inglés
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • In educational transformation, Logos Academy of Hong Kong has started to create space in two aspects: to accommodate for new learning areas, and to use the most updated technologies for learning.

      In different Learning Stages, new learning areas like "Family Life Education", "Analytical study of Current Issues", Mind-mapping, MegaSkills and Media Education are introduced. The teachers will design different level- and age-appropriate activities and assignments that encourage the mastery of basic concepts and development of aesthetic appreciation, family life education, character formation, physique building and inquiry/research skills. Moreover, integrated tasks and projects intertwining with different study skills are mounted to enable the children to experiment creative designs and try out increasingly complex investigations.

      To facilitate learning and teaching, Logos Academy also creates new platforms to use the newest technologies for pre-lesson use, for lesson use, and for post-lesson use. It is reviewed that with the aid of some updated technologies, our teachers are committed to facilitate change, reflect on current practices, explore further improvements in new learning areas and to use the new technologies effectively - which will in turn enhance the effectiveness of integrated study skills, self-directed learning, team work and social interaction of the students.

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