Enhancing effort and achievement: The importance of parent involvement and home-school partnerships
págs. 1-8
Building Capacity for Learning Communities: Schools that Work
págs. 9-26
Collective learning in schools described. Building collective learning capacity
E. Ansems, I. Heijmen-Versteegen, T. Jongen, A. Bakx, E. Verbiest, C. Teurlings, A. Grootswagers, T.W. Uphoff
págs. 27-38
Community Leadership Network: more than an aspiration "Through the School Gates"
págs. 39-62
School administrator preparation in Baja California
Elena Esparza, Charles L. Slater, Carlos Topet, Rosa M. Peña
págs. 63-82
A successful school improvement intervention at the micro level: is this enough to achieve sustainable changes in the Argentine education system?
págs. 83-95
School Quality, Safe Schools: An Empirical Analysis
págs. 96-117
págs. 118-119
Perceptions of leadership: a study from two Portuguese schools
Patrícia Castanheira, Alexandre Ventura, António Neto-Mendes, Jorge Adelino Costa
págs. 120-130
Innovation in secondary education: the added value of a community dimension
págs. 131-145
Desperately Seeking Fusion: two perspectives of leading learning in a Networked Learning Community
págs. 146-155
School development through democratic involvement and group-approach in migrant dominated areas: Experiences from Raadmandsgades Skole og Heimdalsgades Overbygningsskole in Copenhagen City, Denmark
Inger M. Clausen, Per Bregengaard, Lise W. Egholm, Ingrid Brandt
págs. 156-177
págs. 178-193
The GERES Project: A Longitudinal Study of the 2005 School Generation in Brazil
págs. 194-199
R & D in Education: the Case of the Laboratory School
págs. 200-203
Who succeeds at university?: Factors predicting academic achievement of first-year Dutch students
págs. 204-205
págs. 206-221
Feedback of performance indicators: a tool for school improvement?: Flemish case studies as a starting point for con-structing a model for school feedback
págs. 222-234
págs. 235-239
Ordinary people in the act of doing extraordinary things: Teacher as leaders in school revitalization
pág. 240
págs. 241-245
Political risk-taking: a requirement of today's instructional leadership
págs. 246-248
LEARN in your WORKPLACE: An experience in the Faculty of Education and Psychology
págs. 249-254
págs. 255-264
Implementing an Eleven Year Through-train Model to complete Primary and Secondary Education. Is it possible? Why Not?: Some Challenges and Principles
Miranda S. P. Luk, Wendy Y. Y. Lau, Eva S. Y. Chan, Fanny K. F. Lee, Joseph Y. W. Chui, Paul Y. H. Yau
págs. 265-267
Implementing an Eleven Year Through-train Model to complete Primary and Secondary Education: An innovative curriculum design, and Optimizing the roles of Subject Specialists in the Early Learning Stages
Miranda S. P. Luk, Wendy Y. Y. Lau, Eva S. Y. Chan, Fanny K. F. Lee, Joseph Y. W. Chui, Paul Y. H. Yau
págs. 268-272
Implementing an Eleven Year Through-train Model to complete Primary and Secondary Education: Creating a platform for accommodating the newest pedagogical practices and technologies in school
Miranda S. P. Luk, Wendy Y. Y. Lau, Eva S. Y. Chan, Fanny K. F. Lee, Joseph Y. W. Chui, Paul Y. H. Yau
págs. 273-275
Breaking with "chalk and talk": A tri-level approach of adaptive education in primary schools in Hungary
págs. 276-281
Understanding school improvement and school effectiveness from a health promoting school perspective
págs. 282-296
págs. 297-315
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