Barcelona, España
A partir del Q1 de 2017 el Departamento de CS de la UPC se ocupa de la docencia de Inform ́atica I en el nuevo campus de la EEBE. Dicha docencia ha sido singular en dos aspectos. Primero, hubo que organizar- la al mismo tiempo que se impart ́ıa. Segundo, todos los n ́umeros son grandes. En el Q1 de 2017, hubo 686 estudiantes matriculados, 18 docentes y se prepararon 108 ex ́amenes de laboratorio. Para tratar con estas sin- gularidades hemos adoptado una forma de coordina- ci ́on a la que hemos llamado ordocoordinaci ́on. Es una coordinaci ́on flexible y r ́apida en la que los docentes generan y consens ́uan un conjunto m ́ınimo de reglas.
Es de abajo a arriba y requiere una toma de decisiones ́agil, por lo que el n ́umero de emails ha sido importan- te. En Q1 de 2017: 350 ⇥ 18 = 6300 emails. Creemos que esta aproximaci ́on merece ser explicada y que pue- de ser aplicada a otras asignaturas.
Since Autumn Term 2017 the Department of Com- puter Science of the Universitat Politecnica de Ca- talunya UPC-BarcelonaTech is in charge of teaching ”Fundamentals of Programming” in the new Diagonal- Bes ́os Campus, at EEBE School. This new endeavour had to face two particular challenges: First, due to or- ganizing constraints, it had to be organized at the sa- me time it was being first taught. Second, all the num- bers involved were large. In effect, in Autumn Term 2017, 686 students enroled, with a teaching staff of 18 instructors, and 108 laboratory tests being prepa- red. To deal with these challenges, we agreed to coor- dinate ourselves in a particular way which we name ordocoordination. We define ordocoordation as a flexi- ble and quick particular way of coordination in which teachers generate and agree on a minimum set of ru- les. It is a bottom-up procedure, requiring taking quick decisions. As a consequence of applying this particu- lar coordination, the number of sent emails has been a large one: in Autumn Term 2017: 350 ⇥ 18 = 6300 emails were interchanged. We believe that this ap- proach deserves to be reported, and also that it is re- levant to other subjects.
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