Periodo de publicación recogido
The divergent effects of transformational leadership on individual and team innovation
Voyce Li, Rebecca Mitchell, Brendan Boyle
Group & Organization Management, ISSN-e 1552-3993, Vol. 41, Nº. 1, 2016, págs. 66-97
Brendan Boyle, Stephen Nicholas, Rebecca Mitchell
Mir : management international review: Journal of International Business, ISSN 0938-8249, Vol. 56, Nº. 3, 2016, págs. 425-454
Managing inclusiveness and diversity in teams: : How leader inclusiveness affects performance through status and team identity
Rebecca Mitchell, Brendan Boyle, Vicki Parker, Michelle Giles, Vico Chiang, Pauline Joyce
Human Resource Management, ISSN-e 1099-050X, Vol. 54, Nº. 2, 2015, págs. 217-239
Transformation through tension: : The moderating impact of negative affect on transformational leadership in teams
Rebecca Mitchell, Brendan Boyle, Vicki Parker, Michelle Giles, Pauline Joyce
Human Relations, ISSN-e 1741-282X, Vol. 67, Nº. 9, 2014, págs. 1095-1121
The Bad Citizen in Classical Athens by Matthew R.Christ
Brendan Boyle (res.)
Classical Philology, ISSN-e 1546-072X, ISSN 0009-837X, Vol. 103, Nº. 3, 2008, págs. 315-320
Es reseña de:
The Bad Citizen in Classical Athens
Matthew R. Christ
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2008
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