Periodo de publicación recogido
La política entre los fastos: reflexiones sobre una visita de la duquesa de Bracciano a Nápoles en 1686
José María Domínguez Rodríguez, Anne Madeleine Goulet
Artigrama: Revista del Departamento de Historia del Arte de la Universidad de Zaragoza, ISSN 0213-1498, ISSN-e 2444-3751, Nº 36, 2021, págs. 41-62
Some Thoughts about the Roman Context
Isabella Cecchini, Anne Madeleine Goulet
Noble Magnificence: Culture of the Performing Arts in Rome 1644-1740 / coord. por Anne Madeleine Goulet, Michela Berti, 2024, ISBN 978-2-503-61313-0, págs. 33-38
Celebrating a Wedding in the Lante della Rovere Family: An Exercise in Magnificence (1682-83)
Isabella Cecchini, Anne Madeleine Goulet
Noble Magnificence: Culture of the Performing Arts in Rome 1644-1740 / coord. por Anne Madeleine Goulet, Michela Berti, 2024, ISBN 978-2-503-61313-0, págs. 87-110
Self-Fashioning a French Cultural Persona in Rome: Marie-Anne de la Trémoille (1683—1686)
Anne Madeleine Goulet
Music and the Identity Process: The National Church of Rome and their Networks in the Early Modern Period / coord. por Michela Berti, Émilie Corswarem; Jorge Morales (col.), 2019, ISBN 9782503588384, págs. 295-303
Music in late Seventeenth-century Rome: the Palazzo Orsini as a performance space
Anne Madeleine Goulet
Hearing the city in early modern Europe / coord. por Tess Knighton, Ascensión Mazuela Anguita, 2018, ISBN 978-2-503-57959-7, págs. 219-228
Le concert des voix et des instruments dans les trois premières parties de L’Astrée
Anne Madeleine Goulet
Lire L'Astrée / coord. por Delphine Denis, 2008, ISBN 9782840506133, págs. 259-270
La musique à Rome au XVIIe siècle: études et perspectives de recherche
Caroline Giron-Panel (aut.), Anne Madeleine Goulet (aut.)
Ecole Française de Rome, 2012. ISBN 978-2-7283-0959-7
Noble Magnificence: Culture of the Performing Arts in Rome 1644-1740
coord. por Anne Madeleine Goulet, Michela Berti
Brepols Publishers NV, 2024. ISBN 978-2-503-61313-0
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