IT Tools Applications in Audit Profession: The CPA’s Perspective
Ayman Bader, Nissrat Sabir Sheikha Khoshnaw
International Journal of Professional Business Review: Int. J. Prof.Bus. Rev., ISSN 2525-3654, ISSN-e 2525-3654, Vol. 8, Nº. 8, 2023 (Ejemplar dedicado a: Continuous publication; e02907)
The Impact of Tax Legislation on Public Shareholding Companies Tax Disclosure: A Comparative Study Between the Jordanian Tax System and the U.S. Tax System (State of Illinois)
Adel Mohammed Qatawneh, Ayman Bader
, Khalid Thaher Amayreh
International Journal of Professional Business Review: Int. J. Prof.Bus. Rev., ISSN 2525-3654, ISSN-e 2525-3654, Vol. 8, Nº. 6, 2023 (Ejemplar dedicado a: Continuous publication; e01278)
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