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Professional English in the european context: the EHEA challenge

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  • More than ever, professional English is now cruising towards an enormous challenge in the European university context due to the extremely significant moment we are living in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The European convergence process is demanding immediate reflections, serious analyses, and profound reforms in specialized language teaching that lead to reach Bologna standards by 2010. This book aims to present an overview of professional English in the current academic landscape in Europe. It intends to shed light on a range of issues, both theoretical and practical, related to ESP, focusing on discourse analysis, corpus analysis, information and communication technologies, methodological approaches, curriculum design, and empirical research into language learning in broad terms. Because teachers need to be researchers and inquirers, this overview thus makes a contribution to the professional English field with the purpose of highlighting several important questions in the entire ESP academic mainstream. Scholars from different European universities explore specialized languages and document ESP teaching methodologies at university levels from a multidimensional perspective.

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