págs. 1-5
Inquiry-based hands-on methodologies as a strategy for science education in a prison
Marcelino José Veiguela Fuentes, M. García Prol, José Benito Vázquez Dorrío
págs. 6-17
págs. 18-22
págs. 23-26
Distance education in Ukraine: from COVID-19 to the Long-Last Armed Conflict
págs. 27-30
Gamification and PBL in the development of soft skills: a Hands-on Approach in the IFG Training 4.0 Program as a Sustainability Practice
R. A. Gomes, L. A. Freitas, M. R. de Melo, K. A. Vasconcelos, J. A. Ribeiro
págs. 31-39
Investigative practices workshop for early childhood teachers: An experience report
págs. 40-48
págs. 49-53
págs. 54-65
págs. 66-69
Sustainable bazaar: Applying Mathematics to Minimize Environmental Impact in Fashion Production
págs. 70-72
Games in ecology teaching: A documentary review of the REnBio Journal
págs. 73-78
págs. 79-81
Acid-base and redox reactions: Didactic experiments and laboratory exercises
págs. 82-84
págs. 85-94
An Escape-room about Carbohydrate Metabolism Prepared for Chemical Students
S. Marín, P. R. de Atauri, E Moreno, S Pérez Torras, J Farràs, Santiago Imperial Ródenas, M Cascante, Josep J. Centelles
págs. 95-99
Introductory study: how children represent vegetables on drawings from an organic garden
págs. 100-105
Empowering environmental awareness through art: a creative approach to solid waste education in elementary schools
págs. 106-111
págs. 112-115
Scientific literacy: narratives of the scientific initiation experimentation of students in the first year of high school at the Federal Institute of Goiás
págs. 116-119
págs. 120-128
págs. 129-132
págs. 133-136
págs. 137-144
Evaluation of heavy metal content in plastic bags used as a part of food cooking containers: a socio-educational sustinability perspective in Mozambique
M.C. Nhanga, S. Nhapulo, J.O. Carneiro, M.F.M. Costa, D. Geraldo
págs. 145-149
Tackling the urban heat islands phenomenon: development of coaxial fibers with phase change materials
N. Hammes, J. Monteiro, C. Pinheiro, H.P. Felgueiras, S Landi Jr, I. Rocha Segundo, M.F.M. Costa, J.O. Carneiro
págs. 150-156
Content of total phenolic compounds in ora-pro-nóbis leaves subjexted to different drying conditions
P.F.L. Sousa, T. A. Barbosa, L.R. Carvalho, S.M. Ferreira, V. S. Carvalho
págs. 157-160
págs. 161-165
págs. 166-168
Green areas of the city of Goiânia (GO): historical comparison of the area occupied by the city's main parks: Buritis Forest, Flamboyant Park and Cerrado Park
págs. 169-175
Science, arts and philosophy education as tools for confronting Neoliberalism: the role of natural science teachers
págs. 176-179
Solar energy and sustainability: the Portuguese situation
págs. 180-188
Creating STEM-Equipment: DIY solar lantern
págs. 189-192
págs. 193-198
The war vs. COVID-19 lockdown: compare of impact on foreign students' performance in studding of medical informatics in TNMU
págs. 199-204
págs. 205-207
Development of a virtual learning object for teaching oxygenated organic functions
L. Cardoso Dutra, R. Zuriel da Paz Silva, L.N. Naves Nóbrega, L.F. de Oliveira
págs. 208-213
Sexuality: negative factors that influence the development of sexual education in the context of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of ACRE-IFAC
págs. 214-219
págs. 220-229
págs. 230-234
Development of classes by chemistry undergraduates on the topic of laboratory waste
J.P.R. Carvalho, J.G. Pires, L.J. Michelini, N.A. Nobre da Silva
págs. 235-239
Science in elementary school: the payful experience of effervescent colors
págs. 240-242
Affordable sensors for ozone detection under science-technology-society study
C. Rodrigues, E. de Souza, J. Silva, E. Lima, Carlos Alexandre Felício Brito
págs. 243-247
págs. 248-252
págs. 253-255
Training of research teachers: innovation and teaching of science through research
Rosenilde Nogueira Paniago, P. Gouveia Nunes, S. Filho Furquim Vilas Boas
págs. 256-258
More science! Considerations on scientific literacy in a public school in Central Brazil
Alex Batista Moreira Rios, E. Siqueira Barbosa Sabino, E. Ferreira Alves, E Ferreira de Jesus, D.A. de Oliveira, J.P.F. de Souza
págs. 259-265
The three levels of knowledge and types of experimentation: a thematic project based on the anime "Dr. Stone"
págs. 266-268
Color chemistry: experimentation and integration of the three levels of knowledge in Basic Education
S.A. da Silva Dutra, T.L. Severo Cardoso, N. Oliveira Santos Lacerda
págs. 269-272
Exploring the Cerrado biome: the inverted forest
págs. 273-276
3D printing in science education: a state of knowledge survey
págs. 277-282
The importance of teaching relativity in High School: relationship with technologies and the popularization of science
págs. 283-288
Inventive training of mathematics teachers: challenging the method of representation
págs. 289-292
Liquids: a paradidactic book for teaching chemistry and scientific literacy
págs. 293-297
A brief study on the Cerrado theme and its developments in science education
G. Mendonça Nascimento, S.A. da Silva Dutra, T.L. Severo Cardoso, N. Oliveira Santos Lacerda
págs. 298-301
From historical context to educationsl and governmental action: the urgency of environmental education for the preservation of the natural tesources of the Cerrado
págs. 302-307
págs. 308-312
Chemistry of colors: teaching strategies in inclusive education
T.L. Severo Cardoso, S.A. da Silva Dutra, M.F. de Oliveira Silva, N. Oliveira Santos Lacerda
págs. 313-316
Strategic implementation in decision-making in microenterprises: a literature review
págs. 317-318
págs. 319-328
Mobile exhibitions and biology literacy: formative experiences in scientific education
R. Ferreira dos Santos, D.I. Junqueira, M. Marques dos Santos
págs. 329-334
págs. 335-339
PET bottle rocket as a tool for integrated science teaching
A.B. de Oliveira, L.E.A. Trindade, K.S.F. Carrião, L.M. de Abreu
págs. 340-354
págs. 355-364
TOMATEID: code development steps to differentiate between maturation
J. Moreira, Maria Gláucia Dourado Furquim, D. Cabral de Oliveira, D. Borges e Silva, A. Ivata Pereira
págs. 365-369
Initial teacher training in focus: enhancing teaching learning with active methodologies in the internship
D. de Jesus Silva Guimarães, P.J. de Oliveira Silva, A. Moreira do Nascimento, L Marques, Rosenilde Nogueira Paniago
págs. 370-375
Decision-making based on statistical data: building a recreational gymkana through the use of TDIC
págs. 376-379
Socio-environmental education and extension: interdisciplinary approaches to sustainability
págs. 380-385
Exploring the Cerrado: challenges and opportunities in the integration of robotics in science education
W. Soares da Silva, M.R. da Silva, P.S. de Carvalho, R. de Oliveira Dias
págs. 386-394
Application of an investigarive experimental activity in elementary education: Newton's first law
págs. 395-400
págs. 401-405
Environmental education in the 8th grade of elementary school II in a full-time school: analysis and practices
págs. 406-416
Gender, sexuality, disinformation, and educational politics in Brazil
E.L. Gonçalves, A.M. Badarane, J.S. Silva, R Rodrigues de Souza
págs. 417-420
págs. 421-424
Itinerant biological science workshops project: an innovative and inclusive proposal
H. Silva de Sá, N.C. Cabral da Silva, M.V.N. Martins, M. Alves Machado, T. Qualhato
págs. 425-428
págs. 429-431
Zero waste school project: IFG Campus Goiânia
págs. 432-440
Anatomical drawings in horses: a didactic strategy for teaching anatomy to the deaf
págs. 441-445
Exploring the potential of robotics rournaments in science and mathematics education: challenges and opportunities
L.M. Costa Furtunato de Lima, M.R. da Silva, R. Barcelos Souza
págs. 446-457
Indigenous food context in Brazil's midwest: habit, restriction, imposition, and food (in)security of indigenous peoples of the Brazilian Cerrado
A. de Sá Pinheiro, A.P. do Couto e Silva, T. Kariri-Xocó, Rodrigo Guimarães Prudente Marquez Cotrim
págs. 458-467
págs. 468-470
págs. 471-472
Exploring active methodologies in science, cultural diversity and environmental education
F. Vieira, Nora Ney Santos Barcelos, Carlos Alexandre Felício Brito
págs. 473-477
Active methodologies in chemistry teaching: an innovative approach with the "chemistry uno" in youth and adult education
págs. 478-480
págs. 481-483
Tatu ecological trail: popularizing scientific knowledge about the biodiversity of the Cerrado
págs. 484-485
Socioscientific issues in science teaching: an analysis in four Brazilian journals
M.M. Brito, J.L. Magalhães, L.N.A. Ferreira, Salete Linhares Queiroz
págs. 486-487
Investigative experimentation on milk fraud: knowledge and scientific dissemination from a science-technology-society perspective
págs. 488-489
Investigative teaching sequence on ecological interactions using the series "The last of us"
B. Freitas, G. Marchiori, M. dos Santos, J. Ferreira, S Xavier Santos
págs. 490-491
págs. 492-493
Tatu Ecological Trail: Promoting Teaching, Research and Extensionbeyond Scientific and Environmental Education about The Cerrado
M. Santos, Juliana Simião Ferreira, H Cunha, S Xavier Santos, P Paulo
págs. 494-496
Experimenters in Action: A Didactic Guide for Natural Sciences Teachers
págs. 497-498
págs. 499-500
Teaching Science and Maker Education in theSupervised Curricular Internship
G Gomes de Jesus, L Marques, P.J. de Oliveira Silva, E Oliveira Mecenas, L. Martins Silva, Rosenilde Nogueira Paniago
págs. 501-502
págs. 503-504
págs. 505-506
págs. 507-508
págs. 509-510
págs. 511-512
Cienciar: Teaching Action Focused on ActiveMethodologies and Meaningful Learning
págs. 513-514
págs. 515-516
Tessituras Project: Reading and the Act of Reading as a Principle for Living
págs. 517-518
The Leadership of Xakriabá Women: Protagonism, Resistance, and Transformation
págs. 519-520
Between Reading and Literacy: A Literacy Project in Prison
págs. 521-522
Advances and Challenges in Teacher Training for Inclusive Education: The Role of Educational Policies and Teaching Initiation Programs
págs. 523-524
Strategies for Teaching Botany in Elementary School: Narrative of a Graduate Student during the Pedagogical Residency Program
E Oliveira Mecenas, G Gomes de Jesus, L Marques, P.J. de Oliveira Silva, L. Martins Silva, P. Gouveia Nunes
págs. 525-526
Building Playful Resilience in Chemistry Students
CM Figueiredo, P Abreu Alves, RRS Almondes, Salete Linhares Queiroz
págs. 527-528
págs. 529-530
C Botêga Aguiar Kogawa, BP Gois, D da Mata Rodrigues, H da Silva Cintra de Paula, J Borges de Freitas
págs. 531-532
Health Education with an Emphasis on Food and Nutrition Security
C Botêga Aguiar Kogawa, BP Gois, D da Mata Rodrigues, J Borges de Freitas
págs. 533-534
NEPeTI: A Decade of Encouraging Computing in the Saint Patrick's Valley-GO
T Ferreira, S Farias, M Alves, M Silva, R Braga, T Santana, A Braga
págs. 535-536
págs. 537-538
Sucupira Opinion: A Milestone for Brazilian Graduate Course
págs. 539-540
Formation of the Ecological Subject from a Racialized Perspective: Challenges and Contradictions in the Context of Capitalism
págs. 541-542
Karajá Craftsmanship from the Perspective of Socio-Environmental Valuation
A Aguiar Souza Cantuária, Solange Xavier dos Santos, J D’Arc Bardella
págs. 543-544
Children's Literature and Environmental Education: Thematic Analysis of the Work Tainá A Guardiã Das Flores,by Ayana Sobral and Cristiane Sobral
págs. 545-546
págs. 547-548
Interfaces of Racial Equity in Health and Education: Training Professionals for the Unified Health System in Brazil
págs. 549-550
Hands-on Science: Science Education for Sustainability
pág. 551
Hands-on Physics: Everywhere and for Everyone
pág. 552
pág. 553
Nutritional Properties and Culture of Ora-Pro-Nobis: An Unconventional Vegetable
pág. 554
pág. 555
pág. 556
Construction of a Sustainable Greenhouse for TeachingAgricultural Engineering
M. Santos, W Costa, G Beira, P Silva, L Silva, G Silva, C Carvalho, R Miranda
pág. 557
Insect Oil as an Alternative for theOleochemical and Animal Industry
Ítalo Cordeiro Silva Lima, Luciene Pereira da Silva Gonçalves, I. Moraes Neyrão, C Luiza Cunha, NA Nobre da Silva, A Gomes Carvalho, CC da Silva, R Barbosa de Sousa
pág. 558
pág. 559
Investigative Teaching in Elementary School (Final Years): A Challenge for Science Teachers in the Context of a Public School in Iporá
pág. 560
Perceptions and Challenges of Teacher Education Studentsin Iporá, Goiás: A Preliminary Study
pág. 561
pág. 562
Reading in Prison: A Reading Therapy Experience with Incarcerated Women
pág. 563
pág. 564
pág. 565
The Development, Participation and Completion of a Game forthe Science Classroom: Playfulness in theConstruction of Student Protagonism
pág. 566
pág. 567
pág. 568
What Is an Atom?: Building an Educational Atomic Model for Classroom Use
E Ferreira de Jesus, Alex Batista Moreira Rios, E. Siqueira Barbosa Sabino, E. Ferreira Alves, D.A. de Oliveira, JPF de Souza
pág. 569
Capillarity in Plants: A Practical Experiment
pág. 570
pág. 571
pág. 572
pág. 573
Memory in Cards: Unveiling the SolarSystem through Active Methodologies
pág. 574
pág. 575
The Science Truck: A Mobile Scientific Exploration of Physics,Chemistry, Biology, and Computer Science
T Ferreira, A Santos, I Bonfim, R Carneiro, I Romualdo, V Reis, C Francisco, R Braga, M. Santos
pág. 576
Chemical Burns in 9th Grade and 1st Year of High School: Exploring theElements of the Periodic Table through Active Methodologies
pág. 577
Development of an Interface for Data Management in IoT Systems
KL Lamonier Soares, DJ de Abreu, WH Macedo Cardoso, D. Alves da Silva, U Carlos Barbosa, L Rodrigues da Silva Souza
pág. 578
pág. 579
Promoting Environmental Education through Composting at School: A Formative Experience in a Teacher Training
R Nunes de Araujo, Rosenilde Nogueira Paniago, P. Gouveia Nunes
pág. 580
Development of an API for Monitoring IoT Sensors and Devices
DJ de Abreu, WH Macedo Cardoso, KL Lamonier Soares, D. Alves da Silva, U Carlos Barbosa, F Rodrigues Cabral Filho, L Rodrigues da Silva Souza
pág. 581
pág. 582
Brazilian Indigenous Spices and their Usein Native and Contemporary Cuisine
J Cardoso Pinheiro, Rodrigo Guimarães Prudente Marquez Cotrim
pág. 583
pág. 584
pág. 585
pág. 586
CEAGRE: : Itinerant Scientific Literacy in Rural Education
D. Alves da Silva, TC dos Santos Sales, P. Gouveia Nunes, WH Macedo Cardoso, DJ de Abreu, KL Lamonier Soares
pág. 587
Toothpaste Production: A Practical Approach to Halitosis Prevention
pág. 588
Money: Shall We Talk about It?
pág. 589
Educational Challenges and Sustainable Solutions: An Extension Project’s Impact on Itumbiara-GO
A Gomes Cardoso, M Escobar de Oliveira, D Pereira Tofalo, E Dias Medeiros Silva, E Nascimento de Oliveira, AK Marques
pág. 590
pág. 591
Osmosis in Bell Pepper Strips: A Practical Experiment
pág. 592
Environmental Education for Deaf Student: The Vowels of The CerradoBiome from a Bilingual Perspective
JCN de Menezes Faria, A Ribeiro Astrol de Araújo, DL Pereira Vaz, M Rodrigues da Silva Souza, T da Costa Marques Alcântara, T Cardoso Aguiar, M de Fátima Pereira
pág. 593
pág. 594
pág. 595
pág. 596
Elephant Toothpaste: Experimentation for Teaching Catalysts in Chemistry
pág. 597
The Problem of Two Falling Objects: Using Inquiry-BasedTeaching to Build Concepts of Air and Resistance
E de Queiroz Sobrinho, J Pereira de Oliveira, R Rodrigues de Souza
pág. 598
CEAGRE: Robotics Educational
D. Alves da Silva, P. Gouveia Nunes, U Carlos Barbosa, TC dos Santos Sales, WH Macedo Cardoso, DJ de Abreu, KL Lamonier Soares
pág. 599
pág. 600
Walking around the City, Photographing Signs of Nature and(re)Thinking the Relationship between Man and Nature: Explorations in the Pedagogy Course (FE/UFG)
pág. 601
pág. 602
pág. 603
pág. 604
A Handful of Gravel: A Quick Science Workshop for All Ages
pág. 605
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