Successful organizations attain sustainable presence in the markets in which they compete by providing strategic directions that lead to the systematic delivery of high-impact innovations. Strategic orientation represents intangible resources and capabilities embedded into organizational culture. Market orientation (MO) entails a culture and behaviors in which customers, competitors and markets are the center of a firm’s activity; entrepreneurial orientation (EO) involves the propensity to pursue new market opportunities; and learning orientation (LO) has to do with the inclination to create and use knowledge. A considerable research work has been conducted on the relationships between strategic orientations, innovation, and firm performance. Also, these relationships can be examined through their exhibition in key organizational narratives such as company´s annual reports. Thus, the objectives of this doctoral dissertation are to meta-analytically synthesize the literature and assess the usefulness and validity of three theoretical hypothesized approaches unveiling the true mediating nature of innovation. This includes the examination of a priori contingency factors such as firm size and industry sector. On the other hand, to identify the relevance of the relationships in corporate narratives by extracting their co-occurrence patterns to better understand how these relationships are adopted, exhibited, and communicated to stakeholders in business practice. Drawing on a dataset consisted of 135 independent samples from 132 selected primary studies, and 33,063 observations, this dissertation conducts a meta-analytic path analysis integrating mediation and subgroup moderation analyses, applying MASEM’s two-stage structural equation modeling approach (TSSEM). Further, based on Form 10-K annual reports of 48 S&P 500’s firms, this dissertation conducts a co-occurrence network analysis to statistically and visually extract information from the text data. Results indicate that the holistic approach, which assumes both the universal and intermediary approaches altogether probed its superiority. The nature of innovation is delved, playing a partial mediating role in the relationship between MO and LO, and firm performance. Likewise, innovation plays a full mediating role in the relationship between EO and firm performance. From a contingency approach, most of the relationships persisted regardless of contingency factors, such as firm size and industry sector. Most of the direct effects remained equal across subgroups, except for the effect of innovation on firm performance, which seems to be stronger for SMEs than for large firms. From a co-occurrence network analysis, exploring the patterns of association in annual corporate reports, MO plays a central role in the associations, linking other orientations with innovation and firm performance. Unexpectedly, innovation is not closely associated with performance. Previous finding may indicate that innovative efforts and outcomes are not expected to be short-termed. Three major co-occurrence patterns of association were identified, suggesting that: 1) companies place emphasis in associating business results with the understanding of current and future customers’ needs and with the anticipation and capitalization of market opportunities; 2) competition has a special emphasis in corporate narratives; and 3) companies exhibit the importance of synergies developed by the different functional areas working together to improve creativity and innovation processes and with shared learning expectations. Limitations of the meta-analytic and text mining research approaches are discussed, and future research lines are suggested.
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