A method has been found?: On educational research and its methodological preoccupations
págs. 625-633
págs. 635-645
Do historians (of education) need philosophy?: The enlightening potential of a philosophical ethos
págs. 647-660
págs. 661-675
págs. 677-690
Qualitative and quantitative research methods: old wine in new bottles? On understanding and interpreting educational phenomena
págs. 691-705
Educational narratives: educational history seen from a micro-perspective
págs. 707-720
Enacting subjectivities in educational history: methodological reflections on the use of qualitative interviews for history writing
págs. 721-731
The class of 1980: methodological reflections on educational high school narratives from Denmark in the 1970s and 1980s
págs. 733-746
Visualising disability in the past
Patrick Devlieger, Ian Grosvenor, Frank Simon, Geert van Hove, Bruno Vanobbergen
págs. 747-760
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